Blogs Against Hillary — I wonder what these blogs will be like after she’s elected?

Quite a collection.

UPDATE: The site is dead

  1. david says:

    John C. Dvorak, what do you think about Arnold in 2008 running against Hillary? Can an amendment to the Constitution happen? Anybody else have thoughts on this?

  2. Anonymous says:

    She will be elected. While there are some things I support that Bush is doing (social security reform, tax changes benefitting marriage/children, common sense reforms)), by the time the next four years are over the Republicans probably will resemble the Democrats circa 1992 (cronies, corruption, lack of vision).

    I suspect a fair number of Republicans will vote for Hillary and eagerly do so whenn 2008 rolls. Besides, who would run for the GOP in 2004? Guliani? He’s got a shady past (pre-mayor) with a ton of skeletons in his closet.

    The GOP will be empty in the tank of ideas in 2008. It’ll be time for a change. Hilliary will make a good president.

  3. Ima Fish says:

    I agree with Anonymous that the Republicans probably won’t have a chance in four years. America is like a huge pendulum, we swing back and fourth.

    Look at the 2000 election. The 8 prior years with Clinton was the largest economic growth this country ever experienced. But it didn’t do any good to the Democrats, as the public was simply tired and wanted something new.

    I’m not saying Hilary has a chance. There are a lot of people who despise her out there. But I think she has a better chance than Jeb. Can anyone even imagine electing a president named “Jeb”?!

  4. John says:

    Anonymous was wise to be so in this case. You say Giuliani has a shady past?? LMAO HA HA And Hillary is such the angel?? Damn, I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that! 😉 It would be a great stretch to say Rudy has a more shady past than Hillary. If Rudy did not bow out because of prostate cancer back in 2000, Hillary would not be in the Senate. Hillary MUST win New York if she wants any chance of having enough electoral votes and should she face Rudy in 08 there’s a damn good chance that she would lose. Even if she did win New York, Rudy is also popular in the Tri state area and a loss of NJ and it’s 15 electoral votes could also be deadly. Her winning in 08 is not going to be easy, so don’t get your hopes up! LOL

  5. Joe says:

    Ach, it is always a pleasure to see Dems fawning over the opportunity to vote for Hillary (Ahh, was that McDuff, or the Spurned One?). In case you were wondering, the consensus among my Republican friends is that the most desirable outcome for the next Dem presidential primary is that Hillary succeeds, due to excessive ego and self aggrandizement, to get in the way of competent centrist Dem candidates that might otherwise have a shot at winning the ticket. It should be obvious after the last election that putting the most radical leftist nutcase of the party up as the paragon of virtue, prowess and presidentiality is a ready-made plan for failure… But that is the problem with radical belief, regardless of whether to the left or to the right–it can’t see its own pimples. So, hey, as a Republican, let me say without reservation that Hillary has my every support in the Dem primaries. ROTFL.

  6. chaz says:

    Hiliary seems too calculating. Her insatiable desire for power will be her downfall.

  7. Rosetta says:

    Bill Clinton concluded his 2001 Georgetown speech, by saying that the issue revolves around “the nature of truth.” Maybe so, but that’s a straw man: an argument set up to be defeated. As early as 1993, the Clintons began siphoning off the so called “Peace Dividend” to elect Hillary Clinton president, and create the paradigm best suited to return Bill Clinton to the White House, as a wartime co-president. Truth is, nobody games the system like the Clintons:

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