US to slap tourists with RFID – — After this you can expect ID tattoos for everyone, including US citizens. What amuses me is that the borders are leaking like mad and they do this to people who come in the front door. Hah.

Passport? Check. Insurance? Check. RFID chip?

The US Department of Homeland Security has decided to trial RFID tags in an effort to make sure only the right sort of people get across US borders.

The controversial US-VISIT scheme for those visiting the US from abroad already fingerprints holidaymakers on their way into the country and is now adding RFID to the mix in order to improve border management, the department said.

The trials will start at a “simulated port” in the spring and will then be extended to Nogales East and Nogales West in Arizona; Alexandria Bay in New York; and Pacific Highway and Peace Arch in Washington by the end of July.

And of course a terrorist will never remove such a device. Naw.

via M. Cuthbertson

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