shoe — How to Spot a Vegan. Number ONE: Crappy looking shoes.

My Vegan Shoes

# All our footwear and packaging is completely free of animal products
# All our products are produced in Fair Trade factories and conditions
# All our footwear is Vegan, Vegetarian and Kosher.
# All our footwear is eco-friendly and environmentally responsible


Definition of Kosher: Hebrew for “fit” or “proper.” In Judaic culture, kosher refers to the proper methods of food preparation and the dietary laws governing its consumption. Kosher or non-kosher can refer to the very nature of certain foods, as well as the various combinations thereof. For example, pork is not kosher and shellfish is not kosher. Beef is kosher as long as the animal is slaughtered properly, and cow’s milk is kosher. But the mixing of meat and dairy products is never kosher.

So what does this have to do with footwear???

This is part one of a series. Readers suggestions welcome.

  1. Ab belt says:

    Ab belt…

    During Week 1 you’ ll alternate days between 1 hour of cardio and 1 hour of weight lifting. The cardio training should consist of at least 45 minutes of your heart rate between 65%- 85% of maximum. When weight training, lift between 60%- 75% of your …

  2. kosher wines says:

    kosher wines…

    Don\’t be concerned if you find yourself inhaling deeply from your glass, over and over… it is just your nose\’s way of telling you that it wants more!…

  3. GRINDER911 says:

    You Vegans can keep feeling all high and mighty with yourselves while I keep eating meat.

    Oh btw, If we ever run out of meat guess who I’ll be eating next?
    All you plant eaters will become my meal.

  4. HereticBogdan says:

    Geez, I love how most of anti-vegans are retarded. Divide vegan and anti-vegan posts in 2 columns and see the IQ difference.

    Seriously, with attitude and ignorance like this we (humans) will be extinct in 500 years. We just can’t keep fucking this planet like this. Some self-destruct mechanism or something…

    To me, It’s not about ethics. It’s about resource management and health. If some meat-eater will try to eat me (see the above post) I won’t hesitate to take my gun and blast his brains to the wall.

    (Man, It sounds hilarious. Still hope that day won’t come)

  5. Punketeer says:

    I dont care about living a “healthy” way or to live a little longer. I would rather live 55 years eating burgers,pizza, fried chicken, bacon drinking beer and coke than living 80 eating cucumber lettuce and tofu. and even eating like that you dont know for sure if you’re gonna live that old. I have seen people who eat everything live till very old. and I have seen vegans die for unknown reasons. we all gonna die someday.. it’s just what u want. flavor and pleasure or sacrifice and restrictions. most vegans are influenced by magazines and think that the beautiful people has to be thin. are they right? lol

  6. Mike says:

    Ok vegans have unhealthy diets. I think it is very stupid for meat eaters to say plants have feelings in doing so they are only stooping to the same vegan nonsense about meat eaters. If vegans can’t accept meat eaters diets they should stop moaning about it and just continue to eat their rabbit food diet.

  7. MR RAW VEGAN says:

    hmmmm…”lets start with this….The world would only benefit and live longer with a completely vegan diet”- albert einstein(from a scientific standpoint) nikloa tesla believed in the same ideas. but hey these were only the two sciientificly smartest men to ever grace the face of the earth…..dont take their advice! to say a vegan is malnurished is completely unbacked by any proof whatsoever. but i myself cannot and will not put a price on my health. its the only thing im given in this life and i will choose to take care of it. a recent study released by the presidents cancer panel suggested to prevent cancer and other related disease you must eat good chemical free food… find meat in an organic section because it is unhealthy and cannot be processed in conditions where the use of harmful products can be cut. little do you know that your decision to eat meat effects every community that american meat proccesors have walked into and taken over land and water source just so your cheap lazy american population can choose to eat meat in every meal. and lol for someone to call a vegan an idiot…..did you know multiple tests have been done and its a proven FACT that vegetarian children are smarter then omnivour children. i do have works cited if you would like to contact me. your little choice of what to eat effects more then 2/3 of the worlds population to feed 4% of the population. fact is your stupid for eating meat because every meat product contains trans fats. trans fats kill 720,000 people a year in the U.S. cancer takes a mere 130,000 keep eating your animal by products and watch how much faster your health will deteriorate. i think if we were intended to ingest cows milk…..we would have came out of a cow. you can look at me like i have three heads but im not the one drinking milk from a completely different species of animals. the idea that we are supposed to hunt is stupid. #1 our intestinal tract cannot support digestion of meat. #2 our nails grow flat( try and pierce an animals skin with those) If we were intended to eat meat……i want you to go outside catch a rabbit and try and bite through its skin. YOU DON’T HAVE CANINES. they are premature canines developed because of all the conditioning to eat meat as of late. but hey what do i know? im the healthiest person i know stronger then every one of my meat eating friends…..faster……and smarter. and they will tell you that. do your research before you formulate an opinion !

  8. ECA says:

    Mr. RV..
    This is a post from 2005..
    Probably wont get many more posts.

  9. gordonf says:

    If God hadn’t meant for us to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?

  10. ihernan581 says:

    My grandfather lived 100 healthy years eating chiken,cow,milk, eggs,vegtable, fruits, food with preservatives, everything but all with moderation not giant portions and more important believing in Jesus. Also the Okinawa people that have a life expectancy among the highest in the world are not vegan, not even vegetarian, because them include fish and pork in its diet. The fact that so many people in America are fat and having cancer, heart attack, etc. is not because they are eating animals but because of the amount of the portiooooonsssss, you cant get it?. I eat everything with moderation and do excersices and my lab exam are better than any Vegan Fanatic. Realize you are doing an unnecesary sacrafice in order to live better and longer or many of you are just traumatized after watched a PETA video or something.

  11. ihernan581 says:

    Americans’ life expectancy is still rising, but it’s lower than any other developed countries at 77.9 years. (Centers, 1). Despite of this, among the 100 longest living individuals, 52 live or lived in the United States. 49 of these are or were women. (Wikipedia, 1).

    Examples of the World’s Oldest Persons’ Habits
    Anecdotal evidence exists that these nonagenarians and supercentenarians in fact live relatively simple lifestyles, eating more or less regular diets, but their life tends to be low stress, and centered on feeling content and “sunny,” if not downright happy.

    Jeanne Calmet of France, the world’s oldest person who died at age 122 in 2007, was known for her zest for life; she took up fencing at age 85, rode a bicycle at 100 years old, and also smoked until age 117. When asked, Calmet said she’s lived so long due to large amounts of olive oil in her food and as skin moisturizer, eating a kilo of chocolate a week, and drinking port wine, as well as her sense of humor. “I will die laughing,” she predicted. (Cnn, 1). She’s described as having a sunny, happy disposition. (Pythia, 1)

    Sarah Knauss of Pennsylvania who died at age 119 in 1999 said she enjoyed her life because she had her health and could do things. Her favorite things to eat were milk chocolate turtles, cashews, and potato chips. She’s described as being a “sweet lady.” Her daughter said nothing fazed her, and that was why she lived so long. (Gerontology, 1).

    Read on 
    Top Ten Anti-Aging Tips
    Find Out About, And Enjoy, The Health Benefits Of Wine
    Live Longer, Eat a Vegetable-based Low-carb Diet
    Gertrude Baines of California who lived to be 115 and died in September 2009, lived on her own until she was 107, and loved to eat crispy bacon and munch on sweets, fried chicken, and ice cream. She liked to watch TV shows such as Jerry Springer. Baines credited her longevity to a temperate lifestyle. (Infoplease, 1).

    Many Who Live Long are Light Hearted, Make others Laugh, and Love Their Lives
    Anecdotal evidence suggests that living to an advanced age is due to the ability to focus on the good in those individuals’ lives, to do what they love to do, and to make everyone else around them happy in the process. Diet and even exercise seem to be less significant although important factors.

    Alice Jones of Sullivan County, New York, is a 91 year old woman who still lives independently and hunts for deer every year. She’s always eaten a “regular American diet,” although she was “‘fond of her healthy bread,” and she was always active. She attributes her longevity to her ability to make light of things, and to make people laugh. (Tikka).

    Gwen Crellin of Milford, Pennsylvania lives on her own at 91, despite of her severe hearing and vision problems. She says laughingly, “If I can’t laugh at myself at this state I’m in, then I’m really in trouble.” She’s always been active. Dancing and fishing in the Delaware River have been her favorite activities. She always eat a regular diet, and also likes to make people laugh. She also said that keeping away from doctors as much as possible has helped. (Tikka).

  12. ihernan581 says:

    Hmmmmmm,so obviously his inteligent did not come from be a Vegan. Of course a person that says that he is smarter and faster than his friends just because he is not eating meat, should not be that smart. Oh, maybe him did a IQ test and fast test to all his meat eater friends
    ha,ha,ha such a despot Narcissistic. The people that are sick and fat because of the excess of fat and calories on its diet are an end, but you the Vegan Fanatics are the other extreme.

    Albert Einstein
    Physicist, Nobel Prize winner 1921

    The latest indications we have suggest that Einstein was vegetarian only for the last year or so of his life, though he appears to have supported the idea for many years before practising it himself.

    “So I am living without fats, without meat, without fish, but am feeling quite well this way. It always seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.”

    This was from a letter written to Hans Muehsam, and dated March 30, 1954, which was about 1 year before Einstein died. This indicates he adopted a vegetarian diet at the end of his life. Previously, on August3, 1953 Einstein had written the following in a letter to Max Kariel, suggesting that he was still eating meat at that time:

    “I have always eaten animal flesh with a somewhat guilty conscience.”
    – Einstein Archive 60-058


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