shoe — How to Spot a Vegan. Number ONE: Crappy looking shoes.

My Vegan Shoes

# All our footwear and packaging is completely free of animal products
# All our products are produced in Fair Trade factories and conditions
# All our footwear is Vegan, Vegetarian and Kosher.
# All our footwear is eco-friendly and environmentally responsible


Definition of Kosher: Hebrew for “fit” or “proper.” In Judaic culture, kosher refers to the proper methods of food preparation and the dietary laws governing its consumption. Kosher or non-kosher can refer to the very nature of certain foods, as well as the various combinations thereof. For example, pork is not kosher and shellfish is not kosher. Beef is kosher as long as the animal is slaughtered properly, and cow’s milk is kosher. But the mixing of meat and dairy products is never kosher.

So what does this have to do with footwear???

This is part one of a series. Readers suggestions welcome.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Another way to spot a Vegan, small undersized children because the idiots don’t realize the vegan diet is incredibly detrimental to the development of children.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Btw, Vegans are idiots. Animals and plants are all made out of matter. Deeming some lifeforms edible and others not is silly.

    Dead plants and dead meat have something in common, neither of them mind being eaten.

    Would vegans prefer that the cows that have been consumed never were alive to begin with — because if we didn’t consume the cows, they would be on the endangered species list [well — if it weren’t for the milk and the leather too.]

    But, never fear, vegans! The world you want will come. The future will view us as primitives for eating animals. In the future, bacteria will be “engineered” to produce proteins in mass and there will synthetic and delicious foods that do not require 4 years of feeding a cow to produce.

    Eating animals is wrong in the long run not because animals are harmed (all life dies) but because raising an animal to produce protein is wasteful when bacteria can do it 100 times faster.

    (We live in zero sum universe, harming an animal requires production of one. The harming is the bad, the production is the good. Eliminate the harming and the production goes away too. Ironic. When we stop eating cows, there will be no cows. What will the cows think of that?????)

  3. james says:

    Kosher is often used to describe a method of slaughter. Perhaps they are saying the dinosaurs that went into the plastic shoes were killed humanely.

  4. Thomas says:

    You sure that wasn’t, “How to spot a looney”?

  5. Greg K. says:

    What kind of shoes does Dvorak wear?

  6. Jack Olmsted says:

    speaking of footwear…john,

    how would you like to try out the nerdest footwear on the planet?
    it’s like the fucking future of footwear…

    they are made
    but it is OK
    because the president of the manufacturer sits on the board of the american distribution company.

    the only problem…is all the styles are made with animal skin.
    even the sandles.

    hmmm. i don’t think they are “eco-friendly” either
    but they will save your back, legs and feet walking Ce-Bit or CES.

    they have a big huge spring in the sole that absorbs body impact with the pavement.

    i set-up blogs for independent dealers…one of them is in san jose.

    if you are interested, drop me a note and i’ll set you up with a pair.

  7. Since a good deal of Vegans, not all mind you, are of the Haight Asbury ‘the 60s are not dead’ hippie, ‘no-need-for-baths’ sort, you need not even spot a vegan, you can just smell them coming. 🙂

  8. John C. Dvorak says:

    Ferragamo, of course.

  9. Hopefully Carley Fiorina will buy them out and destroy the product line!

    Actually in all fairness
    The Miami Orange, pink, and Red are kind of cute for the girls.

  10. Swami Atma says:

    Hi John,

    First of all let me tell you that I have been reading your columns for over 15 years and you are still my favorite computer columnist by far.

    I enjoy reading your frank opinions on computers and life even those with which I don’t agree such as this one.

    Well, I’m not a vegan but I am vegetarian for over 20 years and gasp, I am a swami! The funny thing is I used to have the same view about vegetarians as you and the above commentators do.

    I still wear leather shoes, a bit reluctantly, although I must confess that I do wear birkenstock sandals. 😉

    Anyway, I felt compelled to respond to some of the comments which are nothing short of idiotic.

    “Another way to spot a Vegan, small undersized children because the idiots don’t realize the vegan diet is incredibly detrimental to the development of children. ”

    Firstly it’s factually untrue and secondly it’s quite amuzing to read considering the real issue of children obesity in modern America. I just read last week while in Europe that European kids who are eating more and more like their US counterparts, are following suit and getting more and more obese as well.
    Please tell us what you think of the “supersize me” movie.
    I have met so many healthy and radiant vegetarian kids that the above myth is laughable.

    “Btw, Vegans are idiots. Animals and plants are all made out of matter. Deeming some lifeforms edible and others not is silly. ”

    So are dogs and humans. Is it silly to condemn the eating of either? How about venimous mushrooms? Same matter so same effect on health?

    “Would vegans prefer that the cows that have been consumed never were alive to begin with — because if we didn’t consume the cows, they would be on the endangered species list ”

    They should be very grateful to us. Just like the families of Iraqi slaughtered (bombed) kids and civilians should be grateful to the US.

    “Eating animals is wrong in the long run not because animals are harmed (all life dies) ”

    The same reader, “anonymous”, has a wonderful logic indeed. Should I kill anybody I don’t like since they will die anyway. So I guess it does not matter.

    “(We live in zero sum universe, harming an animal requires production of one. The harming is the bad, the production is the good. Eliminate the harming and the production goes away too. Ironic. When we stop eating cows, there will be no cows. What will the cows think of that?????) ”

    I guess cows, like other animals, will never find a way to procreate without the humans.

    If anyone is truly interested in knowing the repercussions of eating meat, please read “Diet for a new America” by John Robbins.

    “the only problem…is all the styles are made with animal skin.
    even the sandles.”

    That’s true for his brand but not for others and you can find many alternative sandals, even leather-free Nike sneakers for that matter.

    “Since a good deal of Vegans, not all mind you, are of the Haight Asbury ‘the 60s are not dead’ hippie, ‘no-need-for-baths’ sort, you need not even spot a vegan, you can just smell them coming.”

    Quite funny but again meat eaters do smell much worth than non-meat eaters. Times have changed. There are millions of vegetarians in the US, most of them much healthier and happier than the rest of the population, with excellent hygiene 🙂 and less prone to racism, to promote and defend useless wars, etc.

    I felt like defending the vegetarian community today. I hope you will decide to publish this alternate opinion.

    Please forgive my English mistakes as I speak English as a second language.

    Anyway, please keep up all the great columns and blogs.

  11. james says:

    Okay, since everybody is making fun of vegans, I will stick up for them. From an environmental and ethical perspective, veganism (?) is easily defensible. Anybody who is clear-thinking will understand that whether or not they consider the conclusion correct.

    My guess is that orthodox Jewish vegans – possibly any orthodox Jew – would want to see that their clothing as well as their food was kosher. I can’t imagine wearing something non-kosher would be very enjoyable to somebody who follows the kosher laws.

  12. Renewed Resource says:

    Um, did I miss something, or are the tree huggers now ADVOCATING the use of petrochemicals in place of renewable resources?

  13. As John stated above The Hebrew word kosher means fit or proper as it relates to kosher dietary law. “What Kosher people eat and how it is prepared.”

    The basic laws of Kashrus (a Hebrew word referring to kosher and its application) are of Biblical origin (Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 17).

    Thousands of years ago MAN died from poor food preparation so the basic laws of Kashrus was writen. Today we have dishwashers so the laws have modified to meet the times.

    Many cultures other than jewish people follow similar Kosher laws.

    Some Orthodox jews may argue a non jewish person can not prepare food for a Kosher person. However they can provided they follow the strict Kosher guidlines supervised by a rabbi.

    The law makes no reference to the external body or the clothing people should wear. Kosher people bath in waters filled with non Kosher creatures such as lobsters and Shrimp.
    Oddly enough
    Many orthodox Jews are un shaven and dirty.

    Kosher law is really just a guideline to follow to live a healthier life. It has nothing to do with apearence or clothing a person should wear.

    This claim made by Vegan is just a really bad marketing gimic.

  14. meetsy says:

    I’m sorry…Swami, but if I were’d look pretty tasty to me. We aren’t vegetarian by nature, just by spoiled brat indulgence.
    Nice long post…but, is just about as vegetarian as chimps…..and if you look at the research…not only do they love bugs, but they are not above eating a good chunk of MEAT now and then….
    As do I.
    and plastic shoes, even if kosher, just look stupid, make my feet sweat and get blisters, and…honestly, what else should we do with cow skins…..???? Works better in cold climates better than strapping a banana leaf to your foot with an ivy vine…..

  15. david says:

    Vegans are a demographic group just like everybody else, and footwear companies (and anybody else that wants to sell their product, religion, faith, belief, idealogy, etc.) use the science of marketing to sell shoes. We find it funny because we are not vegans, just like some non-technical people who find computer geeks who salivate about the next speed step in CPUs to be weird.

    As far as eating animals is concerned I think it is okay as long as the animal is treated humanely, and we eat meat out of necessity. Unfortunately and immorally, this is not the case if you care to read about factory farming. Life exists in all forms, all forms being symbols of life. However, there *is* a difference between eating a cow and eating a carrot. The answer is evolution– and the hierarchy of consciousness [1]. A cow is of higher consciousness than a carrot because it is more evolved and has more senses to experience the physical world– especially eyes. The top of the hierarchy of consciousness is, of course, homo sapien sapien, and we wouldn’t eat our own species, right? We are just animals of the highest consciousness. Respecting life is respecting ALL living things with hierarchal consideration. That means it is better to kill germs (very low level living things) than carrots, and better to kill carrots thans cows, and better to kill cows than humans. But, shit, we are killing humans anyway; you think we are better than animals that only kill for food and protection, while we kill innocent families as “collateral damage” so we can force them to believe in our system of government?!? Vegans are on the right path. If you can eat a cow, which is an animal on four legs, what is stopping you from eating your pet dog? From my own experience, I have seen more TRUTH looking into the eyes of animals then I’ve had looking into the eyes of most adult humans. Perhaps they know something we don’t.

    [1] Wilber, Ken – A Brief History of Everything. Shambhala Publications, 2000.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hey Swami or Tsunami or whatever your name is ….

    1. We bred cows to big and defenseless. If we stop eating cows, there will be no reason to breed them. When have you seen a wild cow?

    2. No, it is very stupid to kill human beings as a rule of thumb. Particularly ones with GEDs, diplomas, a skilled trade or something else to contribute to the world. Now, humans that are criminals that harm others and can’t be easily rehabilitated … that’s another story. I don’t advocate humans eating humans — that’s risky due to health reasons — instead of executing “bad” humans, just feed ’em to the dogs. (What the difference between a plant or bacteria digesting a dead human vs. an animal eating a dead human — nothing!)

  17. medley says:

    The worst thing you could do to anything is torture it. Killing an animal fast and eating it isn’t nearly as bad. Unforturnately it saves a couple extra bucks to be ruthless in killing animals. How long will it go on?

  18. annonmyss says:

    wow just to let you know im a vegan, have great shoes, and is not short so STFU!!!!!!!!!!!11

  19. The roots of racism says:

    Program on the emergence of civilization.

    “14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
    None from the sub-Saharan African continent.
    13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.”
    And disfavor.

    They point out Africans’ attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

    The roots of racism are not of this earth.

    Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

    The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

    Organizational Heirarchy
    Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

    1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god”
    2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management –
    3. Mafia (evil) aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere (“On planets where they approved evil.”)

    Then we come to terrestrial management:

    4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
    5. Romans – they answer to the egyptians
    6. Mafia – the real-world interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
    7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

    Survival of the favored.

    Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
    1986 James Bond View to a Kill – 1989 San Fransisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Journal: 10 composition books + 39 megs of text files

  20. The roots of racism says:

    Program on the emergence of civilization.

    “14 species of large animals capable of domesitcation in the history of mankind.
    None from the sub-Saharan African continent.
    13 from Europe, Asia and northern Africa.”
    And disfavor.

    They point out Africans’ attempts to domesticate the elephant and zebra, the latter being an animal they illustrate that had utmost importance for it’s applicability in transformation from a hunting/gathering to agrarian-based civilization.

    The roots of racism are not of this earth.

    Austrailia, aboriginals:::No domesticable animals.

    The North American continent had none. Now 99% of that population is gone.

    Organizational Heirarchy
    Heirarchical order, from top to bottom:

    1. MUCK – perhaps have experienced multiple universal contractions (have seen multiple big bangs), creator of the artificial intelligence humans ignorantly refer to as “god”
    2. Perhaps some mid-level alien management –
    3. Mafia (evil) aliens – runs day-to-day operations here and perhaps elsewhere (“On planets where they approved evil.”)

    Then we come to terrestrial management:

    4. Chinese/egyptians – this may be separated into the eastern and western worlds
    5. Romans – they answer to the egyptians
    6. Mafia – the real-world interface that constantly turns over generationally so as to reinforce the widely-held notion of mortality
    7. Jews, corporation, women, politician – Evidence exisits to suggest mafia management over all these groups.

    Survival of the favored.

    Movies foreshadowing catastrophy
    1986 James Bond View to a Kill – 1989 San Fransisco Loma Prieta earthquake.

    Journal: 10 composition books + 39 megs of text files

  21. shawn says:

    The hostility toward vegans leads me to believe that the meat clogging your colon is now affecting your mood. I used to work in emergency room, and I was always amazed at the high number of people who would drive through McDonalds on their way to the emergency room, causing me to conclude they are addicted to meat, or easily swayed by clowns. btw, gorillas are vegetarian, they can lift 4000 pounds, and you have no further comment.

  22. John Nichols says:

    As a vegan, I can safely say that I am, as a father, 6.2 foot in height and muscles to dream for. My children tower over the other children at school.

  23. trever says:

    this column has by far some of the most stupid points I have ever heard. “Animals and plants are all made out of matter. Deeming some lifeforms edible and others not is silly.” -What the hell are you on seriously. I think the point you make is that both animals and plants are comprised of thousands of cells- and both animal and plant cells are equal. yet an animal functions as a whole with a nervious system. per///…god I don;t even know where to….you’re an idiot. go back to school.

  24. luke says:

    I tried ‘eco-friendly’ footwear…they’re rubbish, fell apart in the rain. Then went to Danner boots and they’re brilliant! Last me years these will, in any climate! Jesus ate meat, good enough for me…and even the Muslims agree with that! If you wanna survive on weeds, good luck to you, but don’t preach at me for eating cow, fish and chicken….right, I’m off to feed my Venus Fly trap.


  25. anti vegan says:

    Can ANY serious person beleave the idiots here? LOL!!! VEGANS? Yes sir, you pups own the world!! Just like PETA does!!! LOL LOL!!!!!!

  26. BOB says:

    Vegans are tight. Im tight. Jesus didnt eat meat.

  27. NAte says:

    JEEZ People.
    Animals are FOOD! (and clothing), (and good for hard labor)(and perhaps some companionship when you’re really lonely – and not yet hungry)
    -’nuff said.

  28. BigBlueMarbleInSpace says:

    I know this is an old discussion, but in case anyone finds this site, as I just did, a few clarifications must be made.

    First, the following statement is in error:

    “The law makes no reference to the external body or the clothing people should wear. Kosher people bath in waters filled with non Kosher creatures such as lobsters and Shrimp.
    Oddly enough
    Many orthodox Jews are un shaven and dirty.

    Kosher law is really just a guideline to follow to live a healthier life. It has nothing to do with apearence or clothing a person should wear.

    This claim made by Vegan is just a really bad marketing gimic.”

    Actually, Jewish law DOES have stipulations about clothing. The one that is probably relevant to the shoe issue is that of “shaatnez.” Shaatnez deals with the mixture of linen and wool together in the same cloth or garment. This mixture is prohibited in Jewish law. Many Orthodox Jews make use of “shaatnez labs” which will test clothing to make sure it does not contain the prohibited mixture. This issue sometimes comes up in odd places – such as garments not made of of wool or linen, but might use a wool or linen stiffener (such as in a lapel). Since many shoes have a cloth liner (perhaps made of linen), the kosher consumer would want to be sure that the linen does not have wool in it. Of course, since it is vegan, it shouldn’t have wool in it. Perhaps the vendor could have said “shaatnez free”, but that might look too strange to most customers who would then be calling them to ask what it meant. The rules of prohibited mixtures are mentioned in Leviticus 19:19 and Deuteronomy 22:5 and 22:9-11.

    As for “many orthodox Jews are un shaven and dirty,” having a beard does not denote uncleanliness (for example, Abraham Lincoln). One could also say many non-Jews are unshaven and dirty. You can say “many ______ are _______” about almost anything for any group of people , so the point of that statement eludes me.

    I’ve never heard of people bathing in water filled with shrimp and lobster. Maybe the poster means that when they swim in the ocean they are swiming in the same water that non-kosher creatures live in? The rules about shellfish relate to eating them (or not eating them, rather), not to swimming with them. Dogs, rabbits, pigs, etc. are not kosher to eat but it’s not forbidden to walk around in the same air that they breathe or have them as pets.

    Kosher laws have nothing to do with health. Orthodox Jews believe they were given by God for spiritual benefit. If God gave them for health reasons they would read more along the lines of: eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, watch your salt intake, don’t eat too many fatty foods, make sure to get enough excercise, etc.

    Second, they do make vegan footwear that is breathable. Not all vegan shoes are made of hot and sweaty plastic. I’ve also seen a number of them that look just like leather, so they don’t all look stupid.

    Third, as for the following:
    “Since a good deal of Vegans, not all mind you, are of the Haight Asbury ?the 60s are not dead? hippie, ?no-need-for-baths? sort, you need not even spot a vegan, you can just smell them coming.â€

    The vegetarian and vegan, movements were not started by the hippies. The vegetarian (and the health food) movement in the U.S. was actually started by fundamentalist Christians in the late 1800s. For a short but very influential time, some of these groups advocated healthy eating as a way of caring for the body, which they viewed as “the temple of the soul.” In their view, God gave humans a body to house the soul, so we must take the best care possible of it. This included healthy eating. Also, the idea floated at the time was that meat induced wanton sexual appetites, so in an attempt to curb sexual desire, they advocated a vegetarian diet. The vegetarian position was probably dropped when they realized what any vegetarian will tell you: sexual desire has nothing to do with eating meat. However, out of all of that, names like Post and Kellog came to the fore as providers of grains for these spiritual an health inclined individuals. And, out of that grew the cereal industry that we know of today.

    As for the hippie connection. That’s more of a Hollywood/television stereotype/story device/fantasy type thing. I’ve run into quite a few counter-culture tye-dye wearing long-haired hippie types and VERY few of them were vegetarian, or even exhibited concerns for animal rights. Most of the vegetarians I have met are regular people who don’t look or dress any different than most others. There are probably more hardcore punks who are vegetarian or vegan than hippies who are. There is, after all, the vegan hardcore movement, but I’ve never heard of a vegan jam band movement (yes, I know, not all hippies listen to jam band music, but jam band festivals seem to draw more hippie types (or wannabe hippies) than other types).

    Also, if you read any books on the Haigh-Ashbury music scene, you will note that hardly any of the people involved were vegetarians. True, some of them are vegetarians now, but interestingly enough, back during the height of the hippie era, they weren’t. A number of them also displayed an apalling lack of common sense when it came to the welfare of their pets. Don’t forget the frequent use of fur and buckskin in the hippie wardrobe – not vegan at all. So, they weren’t exactly PETA types.

    While it may be true that interest in vegetarianism was revived in the 60s and 70s, it’s not all due to the hippies (the vast majority of whom WERE NOT and ARE NOT vegetarians). Newer studies of nutrition and food safety, consumer concern over food additives and preservatives, etc. contributed to the revival of both the health food movement and vegetarianism.

  29. Hana says:

    That is the most offensive (and longest) thing I have ever read. Animals are food? Animals wouldnt even be born if we didnt eat them? Vegans don’t take showers? You seriously need to get your facts straight before you speak buddy.
    I would much rather have a cow not be born at all , then spend his whole life suffering.
    I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. WE DO NOT NEED TO EAT MEAT. No one is holding a gun to your head, making you eat meat. We survive perfectly (and healthier) if we didn’t. This is including children!
    There is so much more I can say, but I just realized I am not going to waste my time with some oblivious person who can’t even get his facts straight.

  30. Shanus says:

    Best point of the column goes to….Hana.


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