Las Vegas area sisters in federal custody, face deportation — Can someone explain to me why this is going on while thousands and thousands of illegal Mexicans roam freely?

If immigration officials have their way, two Las Vegas area sisters who have lived in the United States for more than a decade will be deported to a country so foreign they don’t even speak its language.

The Las Vegas area teenagers were taken into custody Friday by federal agents after authorities determined they didn’t have a right to stay in the country.

18-year-old Emma Sarkisian and 17-year-old sister Mariam remain at an undisclosed location in Los Angeles while awaiting a judge’s decision on whether to deport them to Armenia, where they were born.

via D. Drews

  1. Ima Fish says:

    You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers. Because those “thousands of illegal Mexicans” are willing to work cheaply!

    Business WANTS illegal immigrants like Mexicans because they work cheap. The fact that they are here illegally helps the business because the immigrants are afraid of being sent back, so they are very submissive, i.e., they won’t rock the boat.

    There is no economic insentive to keep those sisters here, so they have to leave. Welcome to the new America.

  2. Jason says:

    I suppose it all about being a member of a protected class.


  3. Tyger says:

    I agree that it is unfair to deport some and not all illegal aliens. To solve the illegal Hispanic problem I would suggest for those wishing to live in this country and work, they should be required to serve three years in our armed forces and engage in any war or peace keeping venture this country is involved in. After that, they should then be allowed to live and work in the US and get paid the same as anyone else. If they are that loyal, they should be allowed to reap the benefits of living in this country. Why should American go fight and die in foreign lands while illegal aliens occupy their land and not help? What ARE they “bringing to the table”?

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