
Microwaving Iraq/Microwave Weapons In Iraq/US Military EMF Weapons/High Tech Weapons — Welcome to the Internet. This story, which could be a crock of crap for all I know, will fly around the net and get back to the White House. The problem the White House has is that the story is credible based on recent well reported articles on how true believer Don Rumsfeld is running covert activities. Watch for even weireder stories soon.

A dedicated former soldier, whose experiences during and after Desert Storm are chronicled in my book, Bringing The War Home, Hank stays in close touch with his unit serving “Cin theater” in Iraq. When I asked how many “Cpoppers” are being used to irradiate Iraqi neighborhoods, he checked and got back to me. There are “at least 25 of these that have been deployed to theater, and used. Some have conked out and been removed, so I do not know how many are currently active and broadcasting.”

Hank is still losing friends in Iraq, where front-line soldiers put their current casualty figures from all causes — combat, accidents, psychological crackups and suicides%u2014at 5,000 dead and 22,000 to 30,000 injured.

Hank blames those at the top for hospital counts of upwards of 65,000 children killed since the 2003 invasion. He is concerned that innocent Iraqi families and unsuspecting GIs alike are being used as test subjects for a new generation of “psychotronic” weapons using invisible beams across the entire electromagnetic spectrum to selectively alter moods, behavior and bodily processes.

I donlt think it’s much of a coincidence that more and more websites are emerging telling us how to make our own deflection beanie!.


An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of headwear that can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. AFDBs are inexpensive (even free if you don’t mind scrounging for thrown-out aluminium foil) and can be constructed by anyone with at least the dexterity of a chimp (maybe bonobo). This cheap and unobtrusive form of mind control protection offers real security to the masses. Not only do they protect against incoming signals, but they also block most forms of brain scanning and mind reading, keeping the secrets in your head truly secret. AFDBs are safe and operate automatically. All you do is make it and wear it and you’re good to go! Plus, AFDBs are stylish and comfortable.

What are you waiting for? Make one today!

related link:
More on intercranial stimulation

Beanie Won’t Help!

This is [narrator] with a Mind Control Minute, titled “Will a Foil Beanie Help?”, written by Eleanor White.

The ‘psycho-electronic’ type of mind control I’m discussing here is the covert, around the clock harassment of innocent citizens living in their homes and communities, and is currently world wide in scope. This harassment includes electronic mind/body attacks, street harassment skits, destruction of family and other relationships and destruction of careers.

Will a foil beanie help? The answer in one word is “NO!” The reason is that evidently, progress in classified or ‘secret’ technology has pulled far ahead of what is known to the average college physics professor. There are two reasons to say this.

Note, when you start to talk about stuff that college physics professors “do not know about,” you are simply fooling yourself. The physics communbity is open source. Even when there are secrets, they are known to the community. Claims like this are insane. Secret technology, Hah.

Most of this chit-chat stems from this guy.

  1. Jim says:

    Government mind control, tin foil hats, nutty professors yada yada yada. We can’t seem to figure out where all these rocket propelled grenades are coming from. I read a story from an university journal about how this entire digital, microwave communications system failed in Iraq. The big idea was total information management. The system worked in some lab, but the troops on the ground still relied on optics, rifles, armor and manpower. War planners sent troops out in lighweight Humvees with a sat link. Rumsfeld rambled on about having all the armor in the world and still getting blown up. Having armor it turns out beats having a laptop in a hostile war zone. People are worried about mind control. The problem is the mindless in control.

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    Not that our government won’t persist in experimenting with any gadgets they think will kill more folks. I used to live line-of-sight with Los Alamos. Almost every morning, when I would back my pickup out of the garage, my radar detector would go off.

    Weren’t any cops in the neighborhood.

    My next-door neighbor, who worked up at the labs, told me — when I brought it up in an unrelated conversation — it probably was just their microwave experiments. I shouldn’t worry.

    That was before he came down with leukemia/

  3. Paul Golding-Clark says:

    Like microwave weapons in Iraq is news!!!

    They have been doing this since day one., with satellite based
    systems. Why are we pretending not to know this? They were successfully used to discover that no WMDs were present, hence pull the inspectors (who would find none), and invade!

    What’s news is that they are using the portable less sophisticated land based MWWs.


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