Not applicable in Lodi, California

Lodinews.com – Lodi, California, News Archives — An anonymous lying tipster sets the police on a frenzy. Sounds more like Cuba than the USA to me.

These poor folks who were brutalized by all this should be talking to lawyers now not trying to fix things with the city. There is not a jury in the world that won’t soak the police department for millions in a disgusting case like this. The cops should be ashamed of themselves, not gloating. They make all cops look bad.

The doorbell rang at 8:30 a.m. one morning in September 2001.

Nicole Rogers, then 24, looked out her window, saw Lodi police officers and went to the door.

Before the morning was over, the sobbing mother and her husband watched as their young children were taken from their home, where they would spend the next 10 days in foster care.

In his ruling, U.S. District Judge David F. Levi noted that the only allegations came from an anonymous source and that the social worker waited a week before going to the home, then returned a week later because nobody had been home.

Because of that, he agreed that the officer and social worker were wrong. However, he also ruled that, because neither was a doctor and could diagnose whether the children were ill, they would be immune from legal trouble.

Rogers is sure she knows who made two anonymous tips alleging that the children weren’t being cared for properly, and says the woman had ulterior motives.

We in California have always known Lodi as a miserable little town. More proof. Meanwhile why is nothing done about the tipster? She’s the real criminal here.

  1. jeff says:

    that is the SOP for LPD and CPS….they work side-by-side….to accomplish nothing more than generating more revenue for the local gov’t in lodi, and more cases for child protective services which means more funding to an inept state dept. from the bankrupt state gov’t treasury fund. ps. i hear LPD has a few bull-queers that like to “man-handle” any unfortunate drivers who are out driving past the midnight hour – – if u get pulled over by one of them make sure ur in a well-lit area with as many would-be witnesses as possible or u might find urself in a “catcher-position” if u know what i mean. don’t know if this is 100% accurate info….but better to be safe than bent over the hood of a crown victorian police cruiser after dark


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