Read this over carefully. Huh? Wha?
Adobe Systems India — Good to know in advance that Adobe is going overseas for their next generation code. Interesting website. Start the clock to see how long it takes for them to either read this blog or figure out that “Software using which it was created” is in the one notch vicinity of the classic “all your bases are belong to us!”
ADOBE Systems Incorporated on Thursday announced a strategic alliance with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), one of the world~s largest global software services and consulting organisations.
via M. Ace
Reminds me of a recent conversation I had with one of their overseas support screen readers.
Never mind the grammar. Look at the c**ppy image they put to show the great power of Adobe.
John — 6:25 AM MST — looks like they already caught it. At least, they’re reading your blog.
Hi John,
Here is a mail I received this morning regarding increased costs of outsoucing to India. My company (one of the biggest integrator in the world which obviously do a lot of business in India) is suddendly facing the futur… India is not so shiny on the a golden road of cost reduction. I removed the full names of the individuahls.
Hi team,
Effective January 1, 2005 our rates for new and existing work using Mumbai resources has increased by 5%.
Please use this information in planning the costs for existing engagements and for quoting work on any new engagements.
We will also be charged some fees for pursuits that are planned to total $450,000 for 2005. These fees will be part of our NBD budget and charged to teams directly.
I am getting more details on the $450,000 in NBD so I can share that with you shortly
The major reason for the cost increase from Mumbai is the increase in labor costs.
K can help you work through any details related to offshore.
We are firmly committed to supporting driving more work to offshore in 2005, as our sales volume increases.
Best Regards M
North America Technology Services
Xerox is having some problems in India. They have some kind of “high-level government probe” going on now. Maybe it is some sort of shakedown or something. Companies like expanding and being global. Every place you go there are politicians looking for a contribution. People love working for an American company overseas. People here in the USA did too. The name of the game is keeping the stock prices up and labor costs down. If a company doesn’t pay up, you can bet there will be all kinds of problems with government regulators. Adobe Indias website says, ‘All tech and no thrill makes Jack a dull boy’. Life at Adobe is fun. I guess this means the pay sucks and the hours are long. Here in the USA it is work and the fun begins after work. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. All work and no pay make stock value soar.
John, not to nitpick–but, it’s “All your base are belong to us” (the word bases is not plural as you wrote here).
Rock on, though. Good stuff.
Man, this is so cool! They actually read your blog! However, they’re still missing a question mark at the end of the sentence…
Actually, it’s ‘all your base’, not ‘all your bases’ 🙂
Nitpick: That’s “All your BASE are belong to us!” The way the singular is used adds a certain je-ne-sais-quoi to the whole thing.
Roy you are correct! That image is AWFUL!!! Adobe might be afraid that their program is not as amazing as they’d like. And I’d bet anything that the image was not even created in-house, my guess is that someone found it on the web and decided to use it.
The rise in India out sourcing costs could be due to the crash in the US dollar
The rise in outsourcing costs to India can’t be attributed only to the crash of the dollar, but also to the rising number of companies outsourcing there. It would be only a matter of time before this happened – wages in the US will go down and wages in India will go up simply by force of supply and demand. A new medium class is forming in India, with higher income and, naturally, higher expectations, and this will keep driving costs up and up until some other coutry comes along with lower costs. Quality is not an issue to managers, obviously.