
Phones dial in personal computers — Huh? Wha?

Electronics giant Toshiba said this week it has developed software that lets cell phones use programs stored on most home computers, a breakthrough that further erases the divide differentiating the two devices.

Phones with the “Ubiquitous Viewer” software can read e-mail stored on a PC, open a document or even use the PC’s Web browser to view Web sites. The only requirement is that the PC uses Microsoft’s Windows operating system.

Japanese carrier KDDI will debut the software in March. The company said other wireless operators have expressed interest, but did not disclose further details.

Operative words: did not disclose further details. This is reporting?

  1. Carmi says:

    In a word, no. It is a classic example of rip-and-read “journalism” where editors grab whatever press release they get from the vendor’s PR flackey and toss it in as editorial copy. It’s pathetic and lazy, but it’s also incredibly pervasive.

    Thank goodness we have you, John!



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