dog shit

Top Ten 2005 Scams — Hmm. How’s this for a top 10 Internet scam. You go to this PR website to get a list of “vague” scams such as variants of the Nigerian letter (duh!). Or the number one threat, “Bigger identity theft problems.” Bigger than what? The list is ridiculous. So next is the come-on:

You can view the entire list of the 10 worst Internet scams for 2005, with details about each trend, here.

Hello suckers. You go there and you get this lame article which tells you to link to yet another page. At the beginning of each and every page is a pitch to subscribe to the newsletter over and over and over. This really sucks. Tell these people to get a life. What scams are they busting anyway?

Oh, and as for the top scams of 2005, the year has just begun. Are they psychic too?

  1. Tom L. says:

    Oh, come on. The chief person at “Scambusters” has a Ph.D. She must know what she’s doing, and she’d never try to cheat you, right?

  2. The opening sentence of the article…
    “This is the most important issue we’ve written in awhile.”

  3. Shawna-Bean says:

    Kay well my word of the day is mlah so… Mlah to your site!! Hehehehe!!:P


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