
gizmag Article: SYN US concept for secure urban parking and driving — This is a pathetic indictment of the US culture in todays political climate. I’ve never been a big fan of documentarian Michael Moore, but his assertions that the American populace has been brainwashed into being scared hamsters seems apt when you see a piece of crap like this Ford actually displayed seriously. It’s more like a joke car from Robocop IV. A gag. A put-on. But no. It’s serious. This car was shown at the recent Detroit Auto Show. Where is the gun turret?

In Mexico for years the rich and even the middle class drive around junkers so they won’t be targets of kidnappers. I suppose we are slowly falling into the same sort of situation or worse as this looks like a car from a Mad Max movie. Welcome to the third world.

USA, we’re number one!!

Detroit January 7, 2005 Somewhere between an armoured car and a sporty bank vault, the Ford SYN US concept is compact enough to manoeuvre through congested streets yet bold enough to look like it can look after itself. It was designed as an exercise to see what the urban vehicle of the future might look like, with a strong emphasis on security, as the majority of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2010,

  1. Anonymous says:

    That’s cool looking but they ought to only sell them in developing countries.

  2. Ima Fish says:

    John every generation has their irrational fears. You probably have heard that in the 1800s people feared being buried alive. An entire industry was popped up offering coffins which would allow escape or communicate with the outside world if you happened to be buried alive.

    Even though we have a better chance at getting struck by lightening versus being attacked by a terrorist, that’s what our populace now fears. Don’t make a big deal of it, it’ll pass.

  3. meetsy says:

    Just look at the blind spots on that baby! It’s going to be **fun** to be next to one of those on the freeway when the overly-secure/paranoid driver is wheeling around. It’s a poor man’s humveeeeeeee.
    Looks exactly like a transformer — the once trendy toys from Japan that were played with by kids that are now in their mid 20’s/early 30’s. Great. How original.
    But, it’s Ford, so it will either roll, explode, transmission fail, or have some other sensational recall. And, it will look as dated as an AMC Pacer…in no time.

  4. david says:

    In America, I think people drive SUV’s because they’re insecure not only in fearing a fatality while driving in one (ironically, your statistically less safe due to roll overs) but also in their self-esteem. Unfortunately, they use more gasoline per mile, obstruct highway views and share a greater portion of the responsibility of American soldiers dying in Iraq so we can maintain cheap gas prices, relative speaking. And when they put up an American flag on the window of the SUV it increases the coefficient of drag causing even more fuel to be burned; that’s some sick patriotism.

  5. Joe Blow says:

    Looks like something out of
    to me … what we have here is one heavily armed recreational vehicle.

  6. Greg K. says:

    Geez, so what? It’ll be mostly gangsters who buy them.

  7. K B says:

    “John every generation has their irrational fears. You probably have heard that in the 1800s people feared being buried alive. ” -Ima Fish

    What I’d heard was that people *were* buried alive!
    That wasn’t an irrational fear then…
    “In 1896, T.M. Montgomery, who supervised the disinterment and moving of the remains at the Fort Randall Cemetery, reported that ‘nearly 2% of those exhumed were no doubt victims of suspended animation.'”

    Lots more ghoulish reading here. Just thought I’d bring it in. 🙂

  8. Ima Fish says:

    Ok, David. Back it up. You say that SUVs are less safe because of roll overs. Where is the data to back it up. Everything I’ve read says that SUVs are safer, for those inside them, but are much less safter for those poor souls who were hit.

    And I’ve known plenty of people who’ve been in accidents, but I’ve never met anyone who’s been in a roll over.

    So where’s your proof?

  9. leelu says:

    …tires & undercarriage are still obviously vulnerable to attack.

    Sleazy merketing (sorry ofr the redundancy) gimmick.


  10. Ima Fish says:

    KB, I’m not saying that people have never been buried alive. It probably happens to this day. What I’m saying is that the fear was irrational. The chances of actually being buried alive did not warrant the price paid on a casket with an escape hatch.

  11. david says:

    Hi Ima. I’ve heard about it through various news sources. One of them that I trust is PBS’ Frontline. This is what they’ve said:

    “In the 10-year period during which Ford SUVs outfitted with Firestone tires caused some 300 deaths in rollover accidents, more than 12,000 people died in SUV rollovers UNRELATED to tire failure. What did automakers and the federal government know about the risks posed by SUVs — and what were they doing to protect consumers? Here’s an overview of the SUV’s hidden history, along with excerpts from FRONTLINE’s interviews with former regulators and other auto-safety experts.”

    They say the truth shall set you free. There are powerful people, like Ford, who don’t want you to know the truth. This is the world we live in where the Almighty Dollar is worshipped and human beings are only the means to the end.

  12. Ima Fish says:

    It’s nice to be shown wrong now and again, because you get to learn something new. Thanks for the link!

  13. Mike Voice says:

    …as the majority of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2010…

    What the Hell do they mean by that?

    People who live in urban areas now don’t need that piece-o’-shit; what is supposed to get worse within the next 5-years??


    Meth-heads (the new Crack-heads!) ??

  14. Hank C says:

    I should add that I think this car kind of looks cool, too…. Like a scaled down BRINKS truck.

    I’d never buy one for personal but I could imagine one for work. I haul around a lot of expense audio equipment and it would be cool to lock it up that way.

    But, in places like Newark, Oakland or Fresno this truck would be considered a challenge to the car thief gangs!

  15. TC Shotwell says:

    I LIKE the look of this thing, and it’s actually a pretty intelligent approach to modern transportation. If I lived somewhere like LA or San Francisco, this baby would be #1 on my shopping list. I’m sick of having stuff ripped off out of my present vehicle, and my guess is that the thieves in Oakland or Fresno, as Hank C pointed out above, would walk right past this vault to break into a Honda Accord instead. Let the neighbors have their mini vans, my family deserves the security this bad puppy has to offer. But egad, that name is dreadful! I’d prefer the name used during the R & D stages; Gorilla, which isn’t great either but better than SYN US.

  16. Bob P says:

    If this is where suburben living is headed I’d rather live on a farm or in the wood.

  17. Mario says:

    there is crime in every country ….not only developing countries…….so why would they build a car like this………..Cuz its America, and America is all about being able to express yourself………so yeah its alittle wierd but you dont have to think your better than the rest of the world!!

  18. Dan says:

    After having 2 CD players stolen , and wheel covers ripped off, I am sure that anyone, wishing to secure their personal property, whether they be Xmas presents, or the family pet, would love to own a “SPORTS KNOX” …….

  19. steven says:

    This vheicle is as fresh and as nice of a concept as I’ve seen. I think too many people are just trapped in their conformist shells. This Gorilla requires commentary from those whos viewing asthetic are outside the box.

  20. Big Poppa says:

    The only people who don’t like this vehicle are a bunch bored preppy bastards who have to much time on their hands. This vehicle may seem ridiculous to people who don’t understand it, but if I have to explain it, it’s not worth.

  21. Crisisman says:

    this car sucks! It’s look like everything, but not like a car. lol

  22. Texx says:

    I think it looks pretty chill and the concept is thoughtful, but as meetsy said, it is a Ford.
    (Found On the Road Dead)
    (Fix Or Repair Daily)

  23. Texx says:

    And by the way, i’ve seen documantaries on this thing and for an SUV, the blind spots aren’t all that bad

  24. tshreveman says:

    Let’s see…my new H-3 is already sitting in my driveway, I think the boys at Ford are a day late and a dollor short.

    P.S. Let me add “Flips Over Regardless of Driver”


    An Obvious “GM” Owner

  25. baorao says:

    If you have an HD cable package and get INHD or Discovery HD, there is an hour long or two-part hour long special where the follow this vehicle from conception to the show. Anyways they show the designer with a blown up photo of the self titled Gorillaz album cover art, the prototype name was Gorilla, including a G shaped steering wheel and a Gorillaz style animated ad. Then magically that all disappeared in the final stages in favor of Syn-US. Nothing like ripping off your inspiration and then changing the name to avoid paying royalties.

  26. Adge says:

    I know I’m probably a bit late on posting, but this isn’t all that bad of a concept. It’s not fitted to my taste but not everything is.

    The blind spots are acceptable considering the rear hatch has a widescreen as a rear window, which in my mind adds to the mechanical “pain in the ass of it all”, but hey I won’t be working on it, so, meh.

    Oh, almost forgot…. tshreveman, you must be a soccer mom if you’re driving an H3. You do realize that’s just an SUV, right?

    Give me a Shelby GR-1 anyday!!

  27. jose says:

    its a wonderful car, i think its great and a cool concept. The people above are probably just mad cause you cant afford it, but dont worry you dont have to be an ass about everything.


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