One of the great satire sites on the web. Or is it?? Hmmmm.

SOS: Students for an Orwellian Society

Freedom Is Slavery

* The Anti-Terrorism Act ensures US citizens’ freedom by ensuring the FBI’s ability to examine their activities.
* Security cameras have been placed around the Columbia campus and around the island of Manhattan.
* If you are buying postage, do not ask for stamps without flags on them. Such would clearly be a sign of lack-of-patriotism, and we at SOS are glad to see that the Post Office is cracking down on it.
* We encourage all true citizens of this country to join Operation TIPS, which, we promise, will help further an Orwellian society in ways that we at SOS cannot even begin to fathom.
* There’s really nothing we can say about DARPA’s Total Information Awareness project except to thank them for all their hard work.


Complete version of 1984 — searchable
Orwell Web Links
Newspeak Dictionary
Orwell Collection at Brown

  1. Mike Voice says:

    Funny and scary – at the same time.

    Reminds me of Richard Dawson’s charcter, in the movie “Running Man”, doing a commericial for “Cadre Cola – endorced by all right-thinking political cadres!” 🙂

  2. Camlin Spargo says:

    This is just weird ivy league stuff, Columbia this time. How is it different from the weirdness of SATA (, which started life as the Total Abstinence Society of Penn (see their “Minutes 95-97”)?

    I guess in all fairness the parody of SOS is more easy to scan for most people (less dense in-jokes about political correctness and academic correct-think in general).

    These people at ivy league schools have way too much time on their hands.

  3. Tom L. says:

    This is double plus ungood.

  4. Hank C says:

    When I looked at some of the links, the predominant imagery is from the Nazi era but wouldn’t it be even creepier if they drew an updated Orwellian society to look like the Republican National Convention?

    Probably you know the “Neo-Con Look”… expensive but conformist suits with “power ties” and those “Conservative babes” with elaborate stiff hairdos, red Nancy Reagan suits and thick makeup?

    That would be a great visual re-tooling of 1984.

    Basically all the men dress like Rush Limbaugh:

    And this for the women:

  5. david says:

    > If you are buying postage, do not ask for stamps without flags on them.

    A flag is a symbol. Like all other symbols, they take on a life of their own separate from its true intending meaning. Thus a flag *becomes* the United States not just a bunting with stars and stripes on it. And people will die to defend that cloth, literally. Why? Because it is programmed indelibly into our subconscious from the age of six till we graduate from high school by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance every school day: “I pledge allegiance TO THE FLAG of the United States of America…” In other words, you are pledging your allegiance to a material object, namely a plain ole flag. Remember, when something is dear to you, you always place it first. This idea is used all the time, it is call prioritizing such as an emergency room triage or buying gifts for your friends, relatives and nuclear family on Christmas– you buy the most special gift for the one who means the most to you. Now, going back to those first few words: you pledge allegiance NOT to the United States, but rather, THE FLAG of The United States. Putting an object before “UNITED” places more VALUE on that object(flag) than its meaning (A *STATE* OF UNITY). The flag becomes the control that is used to direct your senses. If you’ve ever watched the movie, The Manchurian Candidate, you’ll know how one object or its reminder can be used to control a person. This is why flags are flown over banks, federal buildings, courts, etc. When you see a flag you are giving your pledge of allegiance to that organization before you even walk in through their doors. It is a deliberate attempt to control you so that you will obey the government. The government doesn’t trust its citizens so it uses brainwashing techniques to ensure a population that can be controlled. And this is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg! It is not in their best interest to have a population that can actually THINK for its own. The more rights they can take away from us, the closer they get to THE NEW WORLD ORDER. I think we ought to start reciting:

    “I pledge allegiance TO THE CONSTITUTION of The United States of America…”

    Thomas Jefferson WE NEED YOU.

  6. Jim says:

    Funny stuff John.
    More ideas that marketing people use for putting flesh on bone and bums in seats.

    Bad ideas are good ideas.
    Deficits don’t matter.
    Smart people can’t be weak.
    Reality TV is reality.
    Reality is not real.
    An airline is a low cost business.

    Now for a word on the modern airline business.
    You f**king academic eggheads! You don’t know shit. You can’t deregulate this industry. You’re going to wreck it. You don’t know a goddamn thing!
    — Robert L. Crandall, addressing a Senate lawyer prior to airline deregulation, 1977.

    We don’t need no stinkin regulations. Everybody can fly, the hell with making money and having rules and regulations. Space tourism is the next big thing. LAX to the Moon nonstop for 19 grand. No millionaire left behind. Maybe the government will build an airport on the Moon. Maybe if the thing works out, we can build another Las Vegas on the Moon. Have hookers and the whole bit. Get screwed on the Moon. Run the whole thing at a loss and make a billion dollars. Retrofit the Concorde. Forget about it!

  7. Jim says:

    Apple to withdraw legal action against 19-year old student Nicholas Ciarelli and his Web site, Think Secret?
    Harvard University student Nicholas Ciarelli’s Web site, alleging it illegally published company trade secrets.

    Predicting Apple’s announcements is never easy.
    Difficult is easy. Different is the same.

    Automobile manufacturers may support iPod integration.
    Maybe the guy is just smarter than the people over at Apple and they got pissed and turned the lawyers loose on him. Now he can’t afford a lawyer. Sounds like another Mike Rowe flap. Hey, I can’t afford an iPod. Maybe I’ll buy a new car on credit and get a free iPod. Will there be a U2 SUV? Apple can call it the SU2V. My pickup doesn’t even have a cassette deck, just old AM-FM radio. It’s wireless and networked. I put a Pringles can on my antenna and can get AM broadcast from Youngstown while driving in Pittsburgh. I can get Chicago AM at night. The tech elite masters of the universe and their legal partners are good for a few laughs. I hear Apple is going to put chips in fish and open fast food joints in India and the UK. Maybe Microsoft will start fast food fish joints here in the USA with a pirate theme. Argh! Laugh often and love much. Never a dull moment.

  8. Ricky says:

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