In a pathetic display Fox refused to replay the tame Randy Moss incident so we would not judge for ourselves


So what happened was Randy Moss catches a touchdown then goes to the end zone and pretends to pull down his pants and pretends to moon the crowd. Perhaps the NFL should see this for what it is. Pretending! A pretend fine would be in order.

First of all you have to note this in context. The Green Bay fans actually do moon the buses of the opposing players as they enter Lambeau Field. Moss was mocking this lewd behavior. Big deal, huh?

Well apparently since Fox, the network covering the game, refused to replay the incident. So if you missed the game you wouldn’t see it. This is “fair and balanced.” Why wouldn’t Fox want people to judge for themselves? Or does Fox think this was lewd when Bart Simpson (also on Fox) does it all the time showing his little cartoon butt. No, it was merely to prove that Fox is just a stooge for the NFL. Someone must have told them to censor this so the NFL could blow it out of proportion and nobody could say, “Hey wait, this is unfair!” Ever since Terrell Owens began his screwball antics, the league has been “out to get” certain black players in any way they can. There have been white goofballs too, but they let them slide.

These Fox football people are weenies — all of them. Not one of the macho analysts defended Moss either. Oh, did the bad boy pretending to pull down his pants make you blush? Poor babies. I hope your feelings weren’t hurt.


OH NO! Cover your eyes you big sissies!!

  1. Greg K. says:

    I liked what Tony Dungee had to say about it (basically “So what? Green Bay fans moon (the full moon) losing teams when they leave”).

    What’s truly disgusting is how much airtime ad nauseum the media gave this story. There are truly too many in the media business, with far too little to do.

  2. Monty says:

    Okay, yes – so what — he was pretending. The REAL story here is how the FCC has put the fear-of-fine so into each of the major broadcasters that they refuse to air someone PRETENDING to do something lewd. This is not the fault of Fox. Fox is merely reacting the way that the FCC wants them to react – to not put something on the airwaves that might provoke someone to complain to the FCC, and then fines would be levied against every Fox channel.

    Bottom line: We need to shut down the FCC. This is what they are doing to the broadcasting industry with tax payer money. No more. Shut them down.

  3. yorkpaddy says:

    Wasn’t Tony Dungee the one who was so offended by the Nicolette Sheirdan, Terrel Owens debacle?

  4. Richard E. says:

    Well, if there is any good that may come out of Fox’s action to limit the showing of the Randy Moss moon, I hope that it would be that they also limit the airing of baseball’s scrotal scratching, (it’s kinda like the contagious nature of a yawn….makes me itch).

  5. Ed Campbell says:

    A sidebar question that some journalists have been asking — those few with at least pretensions to courage — is “How many journalists actually are on the Bush White House payroll?”

    Just because one has been caught, doesn’t mean that the White House hasn’t been violating federal law across the board. Can they automatically count on the O’Reillys of the TV world — or do they pay them off?

  6. Hank C says:

    I live overseas, so I miss out on some of these trendy social issues.

    Did the new “feeling their oats” FCC ban quoting Dick Cheney? (You know, his famous “Leahy should F himself” quote?)

    If I had been Howard Stern, I think I would have quoted the Vice President again an again until the FCC fined me. The hearing would have made priceless theater!

  7. nick kouns says:

    i think that the commentators are all little girls because when some body scores a touch down they want to celebrate, he didn’t really pull his pants down so what is the big deal, i think that they should let the players play and have fun instead of always hating on peole who had a better carrer than them. without fun there is no game of football


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