
J-Walk Blog: Face Analyzer — Hm, wish I had thought of this idea first!

The only automated face reader in the world: Face Analyzer.

I submitted a photo of George W. Bush, and here is the summary (click to englarge). His archetype is “Alpha Charmer” (sounds about right). The software thinks he’s 65% Middle Eastern.

Expected Occupations: Corporate Executive, Real Estate Agent, Politician.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    I had the same reaction as W did when I read the CBS Memogate report this morning. 🙂

  2. mike says:

    I submitted two pix.

    For the first, it said I was “55% southern Euro, 45% northern Euro,” which was spot on.

    The second pic, which was a little blurry, indicated that I was
    100% Chinese. Too much time living in the Bay Area, I guess.

    The bad news is that I have average intelligence and drive. The good news is that a “very low gay factor” emerged from both!

  3. Hank C says:

    I submitted


    and got this:

    24% Eastern European
    25% Anglo Saxon
    26% Korean/Japanese
    24% Chinese

    Intelligence 6.1 Average Intelligence
    Risk 4.6 Low Risk
    Ambition 5.8 Average Ambition
    Gay Factor 1.4 Very Low Gay Factor
    Honor 4.8 Average Honor
    Politeness 5.8 Average Politeness
    Income 6.2 $30,000 – $50,000
    Sociability 5.8 Average Sociability
    Promiscuity 3.3 Low Promiscuity

    So, John is an kind-of-smart, safe straight guy.

    But somebody in his family tree sure got around! A sailor perhaps?

  4. John C. Dvorak says:

    I’ll run some other pictures through. But I’ve always said i was just an average Joe. This proves it.

  5. Camlin Spargo says:

    It does not surprise me that George W. Bush is 65% Middle Eastern. I guess we should read “Saudi” there, which at least explains why we continue to support them and why Osama bin Laden (or should I say “Osama bin Prescott”) has not yet been caught.

  6. John C. Dvorak says:

    I have no idea what the gay factor means either. I’d like to see some images passed through the mechanism with other results. Just saying average this and average that is pretty useless seems to me.

  7. cum eaters black…

    cum eaters black …

  8. enasenas says:



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