Blobservations: Is Blogging Really Conversational? — Excellent points about blogging responsibly. Of course this takes the fun out of it, doesn’t it?

And what about personal blogs? Ten years from now, what happens when potential employer pulls up a cache of that exlpetive-ridden blog post you wrote when you were ticked off with one of your friends? Are you going to wish that you hadn’t hit “post”? What about when your future father-in-law finds and reads that post where you rave about your old high school sweetheart, and how she’s “the one”.

  1. K B says:

    It’s a balance between being careful AND having the courage of one’s convictions. There is no substitute for simple courage. The world is full of people who are careful for their own futures. What we need are a few people who are not.

    Ah for a few people who will say what they have to say without first calculating how it will affect their salary in 10 years….

    The only caveat is that one should not say things one would regret having said later. But there are many pointed things one can say which will affect one adversely which one should not regret having said.

    All that is the flip side of the issue. Yet I suspect that most “successful people” are more likely to overlook this flip side than the need to be careful about what they say. Sucking up is not exactly in short supply.

  2. N says:

    If you’re talking about sensitive issues, be anonymous. Isn’t that what the Internet is for?

    (said anonymous use #142232.8)


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