Guardian Unlimited | Onlineblog | Microsoft employees prefer Google — Whatever happened to “eating your own dogfood” as a concept?
Microsoft employees use Google for their searches 66% of the time, but MSN Search only 20% of the time, and Firefox is their second most popular browser behind Internet Explorer 6’s whopping 98.76% share.
Google employees use Google as their search engine 100% of the time and 21% use a Mozilla or Firefox browser. Apple employees like Google best and 68% use Safari.
via C. Coulter
There is something to be said for a person who willstand behind their product.
On the other hand, if I need to get the job done I will tend to use the most effective tools available. IMO, Google has the best Search Engine on the web and Firefox/Mozilla offers greater flexibility and security than IE.
Not to mention, it is always a good idea to understand what you are competing against (know your enemeny).
Eating your own dog food is fine, unless the dog food tastes like crap.
The folks at MS are smart enough to know that their tool won’t get the job done – Google will. Microsoft’s new search is still a beta and not worth using, and their old search is bad, and not worth using.
It’s the same reason why they wouldn’t touch Source Safe with a ten foot pole. It’s a crappy, crappy product.
I suppose you could chalk it up to knowing your limitations. As long as the public knows them too, you’re all right.
So if you want a job, try writing the software that will report that ALL employees, relatives of employees, pets of employees, casual acquaintances of employees of Microsoft ALL use Internet Explorer.
And I’m sure that something like that will be written on MS’s campus and implemented.
The hacker who finds it should report all details here for John to pass on.
‘Cause it’ll happen, that’s why.
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