cute poem from a Dvorak Uncensored member

I fixed a grilled cheese sandwich.
I simply took a bite.
I didn’t mean no harm.
I aim to do what’s right.

I bit without first looking.
And when I looked I screamed.
I saw the face of Jesus.
At least to me it seemed.

I’d bitten off his head.
Only his face remained.
I felt great fear and trembled.
God bless His holy name.

What penalty’s in store
I do not dare to guess.
I only know no more
Can I dare to be blessed.

Of course I fear damnation.
Of course I know I’m cursed.
Of course I know that nothing
Could possibly be worse.

Yet had I not mis-bitten…
Yes this much I must say…
I wonder what it would have brought
On auction on eBay.

— K B [Keith Burel]

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