He’s getting paid what!?!?

Steve Jobs Highest Paid in Silicon Valley

In 2003, Apple Computer paid the company co-founder and chief executive officer nearly $75 million, more than any other Bay Area executive, according to a study of 400 local, publicly traded companies performed by Equilar, a San Mateo company that tracks executive compensation.

  1. Bryan says:

    You know the picture you have is of the _other_ steve cofounder – Wozniak.

    As an aside, it is interesting to see the Apple/Microsoft similarity.

    Both started with two friends. Just as they attained some success one of the founders nearly died, and left the company — but are still alive. And the other is still in charge (although Jobs had a detour).

  2. How old is this story!?!?

  3. Greg K. says:

    Doesn’t Steve Jobs still have a salary of $0 though?

  4. Brian says:

    I believe john Dvorak is retarted.

  5. Wesley McGee says:

    Wow, this and today’s article at PC Magazine; be honest, you missed all those letters from the Mac-heads.

  6. Cap'n Crunch says:

    Isn’t that a pic of Woz, not Jobs?

  7. Monty says:

    You take a company from $15 a share to $65 a share, and you bet you will rake in 75 million. Peanuts compared to the value he gave to his shareholders in the change in share price.

    That said, if the stock goes into the toilet, I suspect he won’t be too quick to give the money back. ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Ervin says:

    Mr. Dvorak, you might want to change the picture above (http://www.aventure-apple.com/bios/images/wozblue.jpg). “Woz” is the nickname of Steve Wozniak.

  9. John C. Dvorak says:

    I’m BEYOND flabbergasted by the feedback. Yes, it is a pic of Woz. He is talking on the phone to someone and is surprised that his old partner Steve Jobs is “getting paid WHAT!?!?!”

    So how is it that X, Y and Z is telling me that it’s not a picture of Jobs, but Woz. DUH!!!! Why would I put up a picture of Jobs saying “he’s getting paid what?? As if there was some sort of shock to it. Hey newbies, if you can’t keep up with the all too obvious humor here…get counselling!

    And to dipshit Brian, who thinks I am “retarted,” get back to milking the goat dear boy.

  10. Anthont Hunt says:

    Poor old fulla, you really are out of ideas aren’t you John? I had the unfortunate experience of reading one of your latest articles about the eminent demise of Apple today. I say some because by the time I got to the fourth sentence I’d already noticed two errors and couldn’t be bothered reading further. The statistics you link to shows the percentage of Mac users increasing from 1.8% in March of 2003 to 2.7% in December of 2004. These are the stats you then use to conclude that the Mac market share is declining. You also list the source of these statistics as the W3C, but they’re not – w3schools.com is. Better let the webmaster know before your editor finds out huh?

  11. Rob Merritt says:

    I really really want Apple to somehow push Mac into the lime light. I figured now went unhappiness with Microsoft Windows is the highest I’ve ever seen it that they could somehow capitalize on it. They just aren’t. While the IPOD really is generating more interested in Mac, Apple just doesn’t have a product, nor marketing their current products (I didn’t see one ad for their laptops this holiday season), to capture those consumers. I would love to see Apple come out with a small shuttle size (or dare I say Cube size) Mac that can easily hook up to a pc monitor for around $800 (or GASP less). Ofcourse they could make it under powered and keep pushing their high margin product to the faithful while gaining “new faithful”

  12. Wesley McGee says:

    Perhaps you should put the fictional quotation in quotation marks. That’s generally how you would denote that the caption is not fact description or commentary from you the writer, but a quotation attributed (fictionally or realistically) to the person featured in the photo. (For example, see “Dennis the Menace”, “Family Circus” or any other single panel comic or cartoon, or any other photo-caption.)

  13. james says:

    I got it, and I didn’t even know what Woz looked like. I thought it was quite clever. Then again, I’m probably just a suck-up.

  14. Tim says:

    A little misleading, John, as the story points out that Jobs traded in all of his stock options (presumably some from previous years) for restricted stock (now a common practice for tech companies). He still makes $1 salary and shares in the profits of the company via stock. So Apple does poorly, he makes zilch; last time I looked, there were a lot of people listening to those white mp3 players he sells.

    Yes, Jobs makes too much money compared to you and me, but he’s built a better brand and track record than we have ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Jim says:

    Here’s a orginal Apple ad at

    It kind of reminds me of the LitePC http://www.litepc.com you featured here at the Blog. Windows 98 booting from 16MB Compact Flash on a Jumptec single board PC with 3MB FREE space – No compression, no ramdrive. Boot times from 3-10 seconds.

    Grab all the cash you can, while you can. Sell the complexity by packaging the simplicity. Plug and play on…

  16. Bryan says:

    OK, I get it now.

    The difference is whether the caption “He’s getting paid what??” is said by YOU, or the guy in the picture.

    I assumed it was YOU speaking, but if it is HIM saying that… I get it, it’s funny. It all makes sense — I will go seek counseling. Didn’t think I was a newbie, but we’ll see what my shrink says ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. Frank Carson says:

    Actually John, Woz is most likely talking to the Pope or some such person on an otherwise prohibitively expensive (at the time) overseas telephone line – whose seized tandem was obviously provided free of charge via the pictured blue box…

  18. Mike Voice says:

    I’m BEYOND flabbergasted by the feedback.

    And its not like they have the excuse of New Year’s hangover to account for such complete missing of the joke, and jumping their “corrections”. ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. N says:

    Actually he just gets paid in stock options, no actual salary to speak of.

    That sounds pretty darn resonable to me. He only made a bundle because he headed a company whose stock soared. That’s a lot more reasonable than executives that get paid millions only to have their company fall victem to a hostile takeover.

  20. Jennifer Howard says:

    As a professional journalist, I was really, really surprised and disappointed to read your recent “grim market share..” macintosh diatribe.

    I’m not sure where to start. I’m really trying hard to understand how you cite your research for a declining market share and then link to a site which clearly shows an increase. If I’m not seeing something, please explain.

    To compare the Macintosh to the Amiga? Seriously, did you just borrow that column from 1993 — another time when people saw the “forboding crisis” of Apple’s fallen market share?

    I’m not how you can say the platform is stagnant but then spend the rest of the time not talking about the platform but about the market share. You need to organize your thesis better. It’s high school expository writing. State your thesis. Then expound on your points. Don’t state your thesis and talk about something entirely different.

    While I could go on and on about market share and Apple’s almost MIRACULOUS ability to shake itself off and reinvent, I think it apropo to mention Mercedes/BMW have a 3% market share too. Yet, somehow I don’t sense any kind of forboding crisis.

    Please back up your rants with educated arguments. Usually you’re a good writer. I’ve read your column for ages. I was surprised at this one.


  21. Steve says:

    Michael Crichton and John C. Dvorak are two of my favorite writers. (Yes, I’m posting in the right thread.) One of the reasons for this is that both of them make me reconsider my beliefs. Crichton had made me question my beliefs on global warming, just as Dvorak has made me question my beliefs on the Mac’s future. In the case of John’s hotly contested Mac column, I think he’s got a good point. I spend a lot more time cleaning the spyware off my computer with Windows XP than I did when I had a Mac, but it’s worth it to me to use the money I save on other things, like food, clothes, and shelter.

    P.S. Any one who flames me automatically agrees to pay me the sum of US$10,000,000 . You can wire the money to my banker in Nigeria. He’ll be sending ou an email shortly.


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