I was up late last night and caught the International users online with Statcounter to see the user profiles. Two things struck me. One is that Firefox is gaining marketshare by a lot. But more interesting is the fact that unlike with other browsers the Firefox users almost all quickly converted to the latest version. This shift is very noteworthy as it shows that the Firefox users are proactive. Note this is the International market where you find a lot of Opera users. And they usually have Opera report that it’s MSIE to fool certain MSFT websites. The USA users are running about 60-percent Firefox. I’ll blow out some stats for you after Christmas.

The other interesting data point is that there is no reason not to do websites for the 1024×768 aspect. Even 800×600 (as my blog) is silly — at least with my readers.



  1. Anonymously says:

    I prefer that websites tailor the design at 800×600, even though I haven’t used that in years, because I like to have multiple windows open for various applications at the same time. If web designers started filling the screen, it would be much more inconvenient.

    The reason I purchased a 21″ monitor that I can run at 1600×1200 was not to enable web designers to fill it up with their content, but rather, to give me more room to work with windows that I would prefer stayed the same size. Indeed, imagine if you were to buy a desk with more space and people started giving you material written on paper that was 12″x18″?

    I think the marginal benefit a designer might have with a little more real estate is far outweighed by this inconvenience to end users.

  2. Thomas says:

    Wow, only two other people besides me run at 1600×1200? That’s surprising. Was the one “unknown” resolution simply because the data was not captured/stripped?

  3. Darren says:

    I always refer to these stats from W3C Schools on these questions. Apparently they’re a combination of their log files and external sources.

    So, while obviously you should design for your audience (and your audience is big on 1024×768), the rest of the world has some catching up to do. From their stats in October, 2004:

    800×600 or lower – 35%
    1024×768 – 51%
    Higher – 10%

    For the general populace, it’s too early to abandon 800 x 600. In 2002, the 800 x 600 marketshare dropped by 9%, in 2003 it dropped by 6%. Hopefully the rate of abandonment will speed up so that we can move on.

  4. The USA users are running about 60-percent Firefox

    Among bloggers, surely Firefox is popular. With only about a dozen million downloads of Firefox 1, are you sure 60% is correct?

    I guess it all depends on the way you gather statistics, but as far as I know, Firefox has a long, long way to go before the ‘average’ user stops clicking that ‘e’ on the Desktop.

  5. Adrian says:

    The stats for my linux news website is a lot like that too… very skewed… over 60% firefox on linux.

  6. Okay, it all makes much more sense now. 60% of Linux users are sticking/upgrading to Firefox. To continue my point from before, Linux users are rarely ‘average’ users so Firefox has a long, long way to go before it conquers the Web.

  7. TDavid says:

    My eyes are not ready for any higher res than 1024×768.

  8. Ed Campbell says:

    Actually, the digital dude on CNN indicated that IE is losing about 1.5% marketshare a month — at present rates. Most of that is to Firefox.

  9. George Caballero says:

    As you get older (62) 800×600 looks better and better. In the last year I have reset all of my computers back to 800×600 so that I can see them. I just hate 3 and 4 point fonts.

  10. The unknowns are probably lack of data. I sometimes count as one of those “Unknown” sizes. I’m running 2048×768 (Dual 1024×768) but some of my browsers (I use Mozilla, Konqueror, Firefox, and Epiphany) are configured to hide as much data as possible. (For example, giving the current URL as the referrer to appease anti-leech scripts without letting others know where I’ve been)

    It’s mainly to kill window-resize scripts when using browsers that can’t explicitly ignore them. I’m thinking of using a transparent proxy on my firewall to make up for some of the remaining failings. (such as non-resizable frames)

    Actually, I don’t remember the last time I saw a graphical ad. (I don’t mind text-mode AdSense) Firefox or Konqueror plus a good hosts file will kill 99% of them. ( http://accs-net.com/hosts/ )

  11. naum says:

    The “unknowns” are no doubt Mac powerbooks or Apple flat panels — my PB is set to like 1380×854 (or something close to that…) and the iMac and 20″ panel I plug PB into is @ 1680×1050…

  12. Gerben Hoeksma says:

    I am using Firefox at home, and consider using it on my work.
    The only really atoshing thing I found:
    You can play steraming video with either Real1 or Windows media player.
    But as soon as you visit Microsoft sites, you will see a lot of displays and even warnings like your browser does support that and that and other things.
    Microsoft sites are the only ones I found that gave this kind of warnings.
    Unlike previous tecniques incorporated in the M$ft operating system to hit down the competitors, this time I can only laugh about it: they now show theit real nature and policy.

  13. Gerben Hoeksma says:

    Using Firefox at home makes real fun.
    Works at almost all web-sites.
    Although I use a 233 MHZ Pentium MMX system, with 64 MB RAM and W98, the browser performs stable. I spend my money for a 17“ flat TFT display 1024*768), giving a total different experience then my old low light CRT.
    You can connect to anything, including Java based sites (I have JRE installed, get steaming video over either Real1 player or Windows Media player, unless…you visit a Micro$oft $ite, then you will see no streaming video but a lot of messages and warnings giving you the impression taht you use a low quality outdated browser.
    It will not stop this browser. Microsoft shows its real policy that worked when they used this kind of strategy hidden in their operating system to knock out any mass application of competitors……

  14. firefox adsense…

  15. podroze-info.pl says:


    schestowitz.com » Blog Archive » Web Browsers Statistics…

  16. pobierowo says:


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