MSNBC – Why Fischer? Icelanders want to repay favor The never-ending saga. I hope he likes eating puffin with his cod-liver oil.

REYKJAVIK, Iceland – It may be hard for some to understand why Iceland would offer a residency permit to Bobby Fischer, the surly former chess champion now detained in Japan and wanted in the United States.

But Fischer put this small, isolated country on the map during his career, and some Icelanders say it’s time to repay the favor.

via K. burel

  1. John Schumann says:

    I like Iceland. If they feel they owe the man a debt and are making an effort to repay it, good for them.

    Time’s man of the year, U.S. President Bush, may decide to invade Iceland to capture Fisher, but Fisher is not stupid and will doubtless elude U.S. forces by holing up in some cafe and playing chess. He’s the kind of guy that could do it.

  2. Joe Kramer says:

    As to the puffin eating, John, heard from the CEO yesterday that Iceland has the highest per capita consumption of Domino’s Pizza in the world! Go figure. Anchovies, you think?

  3. Dr. Milan M. Cirkovic says:

    Bobby Fischer is a great man, and all commends for the government of Iceland for their noble, humane, and bold decision. Behavior of the US government toward him is as absurd and as obnoxious as 99% of the US foreign policy generally. He was good enough when he served the Cold War propaganda role (similar to other, far less great men instrumentalized in a similar way, from Pinochet and Suharto to, lo! Mr. Bin Laden), and now he is persecuted all over the world. People who decry eeeeeevil of the Rome Tribunal and who have overturned both letter and spirit of all international law are playing inquisition against its only (ever) world chess champion – a true stuff for Sam Beckett or Antonine Artaud. But, to paraphrase Socrates and his persecutors, they can imprison and kill him, but not destroy him (and his games).


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