Fraunhofer IIS – Audio & Multimedia – Download FYI
On the following pages you can download a free evaluation version of the Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Surround player and the Fraunhofer IIS MP3 Surround encoder. This evaluation software is for personal and non-commercial use and intended to demonstrate the MP3 Surround technology available at Fraunhofer IIS. MP3 Surround provides a multi-channel listening experience with a minimum of extra bitrate and maximum compatibility.
I think pretty much all commercial surround formatted material available today is being delivered in DVD-Audio or SACD format, both of which I believe are protected by DRM, it seems unlikely to me that this technology will catch on. I’d love to rip my DVD-A disks as MP3’s for use on my HTPC, but I suspect that, short of doing an analog rip (and thus losing mucho quality), I can’t get there from here.
This is probably targeted more at the people who directly offer mp3s. (If anyone is curious, I blogged a list of free, legal mp3 sources.)
One thing’s for sure, it will have competition. Ogg Vorbis has supported multi-channel surround for a while now.