I was at the Oakland Airport yesterday and ran into this humorous crap promoting our celebrity Governor. While all this is very amusing exactly what is the point? Is the Governor just a kewpie? And while I’m certain the T-shirt is locally made (Americans rock the t-shirt world) I didn’t have the time to trace the makers of the mugs and bobble-head doll. Any guesses? Probably not California


In the Southwest Airlines Terminal 2


Charlton Heston?

  1. T.C. Moore says:

    Shouldn’t it be Governator? Or Gubernator.
    There’s an R missing.

    Either lost in the translation to Chinese, or a sad sign of the state of our schools.

  2. John C. Dvorak says:

    Yes..I have the same complaint. When I was doing the post I had to go back to the photo to make sure it was Govenator. Since it is derived from Governor not Govenor [sic]. Baffling indeed. Apparently nobody really gives a crap, though. Note the little trademark symbol. That may have something to do with it.

  3. R. Maricn says:

    I think the “Govenator” is spelled that way to force you to say it with the Terminator accent. Old-school “Ahnold” would never have pronounced the “r”. Also, I doubt he had anything to do with this promotion as he tried suing the maker of the bobble-head dolls a couple months ago.



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