Here’s is the kicker, er kickee, from the Berkeley Street Fair. My shot of the month!

kick me

This guys seems to be a symbol of the times in which we live. He told me that he made $30 on Saturday. Ewww! Much more mercantile than the $2 guy I spotted in NYC

  1. Dan B. says:

    I saw this guy. I asked him if I could give him a twenty and kick his nuts extra hard. He agreed. It was pretty liberating to be able to kick someone in the nuts with no fear of retaliation. He bent over afterwards, but didn’t fall down (I thought he would, or at least pretend like it really, _really_ hurt). The things is: he didn’t ask for the money up front. I could have kicked him right in the nuts and then taken off really fast. db.

  2. Mike says:

    Uh, if you kick somebody in the nuts and connect they’re not going to be in any condition to retaliate.

    This guy has got to be wearing a cup. I’ve heard that getting kick in the testicles can be downright dangerous.

    I think it’d be much more fun to pay this guy to kick other people in their nuts (like assholes that think kicking somebody in their nuts is entertaining).

  3. "-" says:

    Um — ouch.

    The cremaster muscles can be developed in such a way that the testis are withdrawn into the abdomen. Some martial arts experts do this, to prepare for seriously out of control bar fights.

    Here’s a nice source of info – University of Arkansas.

    But still, I wouldn’t do it.


    URL email: “-“

  4. This Guy has Brass Ball’s
    A good Kick in the A$$ would do him some good.
    How much to punch him in the face.
    That would be more fun.

  5. geoff says:

    you legend I love being hit in the nut i should get payed for it. Any young girls in australia that want to hit me in the nuts let my know

  6. tyrone says:

    kick me in the balls hard

  7. Jeremy says:

    I really get off on being kicked in the nuts. It’s a real turn on. It’s like one of those kinky fetishes that you keep a secret. I am not a big fan of the foot in the balls, but I really love the knee. Everytime, I get kneed in the nuts it hurts so bad, but I get a hard on at the same time.

  8. Joe says:

    u guys are cazy!!! I once got kicked in the nuts by my GF when we were fake fighting, and I could no move for 20 min. My balls were is so much pain, that I could not wack off for a couple of days!!!!

  9. Vega says:

    not Crazy… Masochistic stupid. only I’m SadoMasochist.

  10. chris says:

    id love to be kicked in the nuts by another guy very horny

  11. Steve Goold says:

    I’ll let you kick me in the nuts for only $5.

  12. james says:

    More women should kick guys in the nuts. It hurts, yes. They think its funny, and it turns me on.

  13. Andrew Rez says:

    I would love to be kicked/punched/kneed/squeezed in trhe balls.
    I think they are just hanging there for punishment. Somene needs to give them a good whacking

  14. want sb to kick me really hard in my unbroken nuts and try to break them, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!!!

  15. master chief. says:

    omfg wat the fuck is wrong with u ppl. i mean u got ppl saying akick in the nuts is a turn on, others saying there for punishmentt, and sensible ppl saying they couldnt walk/beat off/ anything for more than twenty minutes…
    any way IRT:
    i got kicked in the nuts…no let me refraise that…DONKEYKICKED…by a friend of mine and i did have enough strength and adrenaline pumpin to retaliate…i got him back twice as hard…then crumpled, tears came to my eyes, and i didnt move for a good hour.

    and if your wondering …yes the stil work perfectly

  16. Klinton says:

    Give him the ole knee to the balls for $15.


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