game boy

GBAGI: Classic Sierra Games on the Game Boy Advance! — Christmas gift idea..

GBAGI is a Sierra adventure game interpreter/emulator for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance. With the use of a flash cart on your GBA, you can play all your AGI games on the portable. Not only can you play Sierra’s adventure games, but also your own, and dozens of homebrew games made by other enthusiasts!

  1. Isn’t the large machine part of the nostalgic experience? Also, as an adult — one from the Sierra era — I wouldn’t carry around a Nintendo with me. It’s too juvenile.

  2. Christopher Coulter says:

    Ahhh, I think it is way cool, juvenile or not. I wonder if they will have DS support?

  3. Wesley Allen says:

    I dunno… quest for glory was excellent as well as king’s quest. Those games provided me some of my fondest memories. I may have to go out and purchase me a gameboy now.

  4. These will probably be adapted editions. How will I enter text? If I wanted to say ‘take apple’ or ‘talk to guard’, how would I do it? I’m sorry… it has it be the real thing.

  5. Alan C says:

    I heard rumors a year or so ago, that Nintendo and Palm were going to make a hybrid “Game Boy Palm Pilot”

    Whatever happend to that? Was it ever a viable plan?

    I’d buy one if it was the right price.

  6. Alan, what can you do on a Game Boy that you can’t do on, let us say, a Palm Tungsten??

  7. Alan C says:

    I’m still limping along on an older Palm, so I really can’t answer your question.

    I have a strict personal rule that I won’t pay more for a portable device than I can afford to drop in a lake without great grief.

    For me that’s about $150. So, for now, the Tungsten is out of my range.

    I guess, for me, the advantage of merging the two items is that I would have access to the zillion game boy titles.

    I don’t care at all they they are trailing edge technology. I never played them in the first place.



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