Technology News: News: Kennedy Family Says JFK Video Game Is Despicable Apparently this is more important than the war in Iraq.
A computer game Latest News about computer games produced by a Scottish firm, which allows players to assassinate U.S. president John F Kennedy, was last night attacked by his relatives.
The game, “JFK Reloaded,” is being released by Traffic Games today to coincide with the 21st anniversary of Kennedy’s murder in Dallas, Texas. It was designed to demonstrate that a lone gunman was able to kill the president.
Article said:
> He said the game was designed to
> undermine the theory there was some
> shadowy plot behind the assassination.
*sarcasm* Well, let’s make a darn good game where you torture prisoners. The intent: proving the US government was not behind it.
I agree it is despicable BUT I am now curious.
How many people have been able to re-create the shot? Is it as impossible as the conspiracy theorists claim?
Did they sue epyx for winter games when you would ski into a tree?
I’m personally waiting for the “See how much you can make Ted Kennedy drink” video game. Get Teddy drunk & pick up as many chicks as you can. Just a normal nite out on the town.
I wonder if we’ll have to wait 21 years for a “9/11 Reloaded” game. 🙁
I wonder if well have to wait 21 years for a 9/11 Reloaded game.
Heh, funny you should ask. Microsoft, if you remember, changed their flight simulation so that you couldn’t fly into the Towers.
There wouldn’t be much to a 9/11 Reloaded unless they included your character having to take over the plane itself. To me, this is taboo on Kennedy’s assassination is silly. You can recreate just about any war. You can play a sniper (read: military assassin). You can play a postal worker gone bonkers. There really shouldnt be any reason you couldnt play a sniper trying to take out at the President. I wonder if there is something similar for the Lincoln assassination.
I don’t know what’s worse: The original article getting the anniversary wrong (it’s been 41 years, not 21), John not pointing it out when he quoted them, or people posting to the comments also using the 21 years figure.
21 years ago made me feel A LOT YOUNGER…so, I didn’t mind.
why did they bring it out