Rabies Survival — First Time EVER I found this interesting since this ailment is 100-percent fatal.

A teenage girl in Wisconsin seems to have made medical history for being the first person to survive rabies after the onset of symptoms.

  1. Zarggg says:

    I heard about that on NPR last week. That’s pretty incredible, no matter how you slice it.

  2. K B says:

    The article leaves open the question of whether her quality of life will be complete. I sincerely hope that it will.

  3. J. Luken says:

    The first known case of someone surviving rabies after onset of symptoms was a y9ung boy in Lima, Ohio in 1970.

  4. Russ Brown says:

    I seem to remember a young boy surviving rabies 20 to 30 years ago…it might be the Ohio boy mentioned before but I thought it was in Colorado or some other western state….I remember that they fought the individual symptoms rather than the illness itself…does anyone recall this???????

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

    I get no spam Honest to gosh, I get no span. I used John C. Dvorak’s spam filter!

  6. bitchesrhere says:

    Actually, there was a 9 yr. old boy in 1709 who got Rabies first and Dr. Louis Pastuer cured him in 1885! (or atleast made a cure…..) he was cured and pastuer became more famous then before because of all of the things that he’s has done! read about it somewhere!

    Like my bunny??

    .(__)’ that’s my bunny….i no its hotttt!! 🙂

  7. Danny Stark says:

    I also remember the kid in Ohio. I think he got the vaccine but it was too late to be effective. In any case,it was as Russ Brown said, they treated this kid by treating his symptoms and he did recover. But it has been so long ago I don’t remember more than that.


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