Princess in the middle – Fake Saudi princess-model countersues American Express

NEW YORK — A woman who was sued by American Express over an alleged scam where she posed as a Saudi princess to steal thousands has countersued the company, saying she was mentally incompetent when she opened her account and the company should have known it.

The countersuit was filed by Antoinette Millard, 40, free on $100,000 bail and awaiting trial on attempted grand larceny charges for alleged scams carried out while she posed as a Saudi Arabian princess and a Victoria’s Secret model. She was neither.

If you’re looking for offbeat society pics (as above) check out David Patrick Columbia’s New York Social Diary. It’s a veritable rogues gallery of jet-setters, superstars, landed gentry, old money, new money, social climbers, wannabees, and phonies. Where the newspapers failed he managed to casually capture a couple of pics of the “princess” who apparently was lording it over the gullible society set.

The real culprit:
black card
If someone pulls out a rare and seldom discussed AMEX “black” card, you now know that they are loaded! With this card you could literally make a no-questions-asked million dollar purchase on a whim.

  1. yorkpaddy says:

    Why is it illegal to say you work for victoria’s secret and are a member of the Saudi family. Amex should have done background checks before offering a credit card. Its not her fault that Amex is stupid.

  2. Alan C says:

    I have never heard of the American Express “black card.”

    That is so cool! What do you have to do to get one?

    I thought cards like that were the just imagination of pulp novelists.

  3. John C. Dvorak says:

    No myth. I first saw a black card some years ago when a friend of mine dropped it on the table to pay a bill. He explained it to me at the time and I was a bit perpexled by the fact that I never heard of the thing before then. Of all the cards when examined close up it is actually the cheesiest looking. An irony.

  4. Alan C says:

    I always suspected that the rich had secret code words or a handshake or something but now I know it is a card!

    One time my wife and I spend 24 hours with the richie rich at a designer hotel near Yosemite. Even though they looked sort of like us, there was no confusion that we weren’t one of them.

    For instance, we all were wearing khakis and polo shirts but their brands were different than ours. (No better as far as I could tell.)

    But, I’m sure the staff had us immediately pegged when we pulled out our “gold” Visa card.

    (They were so nice to us, though. I suspect they loathed their normal clientele.)

  5. Anonymously says:

    A friend’s father-in-law is pissed that AMEX hasn’t picked him for a Black Card. The guy drops nearly 500k on his AMEX card every year and that still isn’t enough to get him on AMEX’s radar.

    I’m pissed that the guy isn’t my father-in-law.


    Say hi to your friend, Bill G., for me.


  6. John C. Dvorak says:

    If he spent 500K at a pop — not per year — he’d get one I’m sure. A friend of mine has this card and the ironic thing about it is that it’s perhaps the cheesiest looking of al the AMEX cards especially when comapred to the jazzy and useless blue card. The blue card has a smart chip on it that is incompatible with the European system, so what’s the point? Anyway, the black card looks plain crummy. Part of the charm I suppose.

  7. Jill says:

    I just got one sent to me and it is a hoot. I am just a normal person and don’t spend more than $400 a month on my little green amex card. They errored and are now tryng to quick figure out what happened.


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