I’m against it!

entertainment.iafrica.com | news ‘Bisexual Alexander’ causes a stir — And they are suing on behalf of Alexander?? I don’t get this at all!

Makers of the epic Alexander, depicting the life of the legendary Greek ruler — are facing a possible lawsuit for showing the ruler as bisexual.

BBC Online reports that Greek lawyers, led by Yannis Varnakos, have requested that a credit be added to the start of the latest Oliver Stone%u2019s film to ensure that audiences understand that the film is pure fiction.

Irish bad boy Colin Farrell stars as Alexander.

According to Stone, however, a historian was on set to ensure that the events depicted were accurate. BBC Online quotes the filmmaker as saying that Alexander had “polymorphous sensuality and was an explorer in the deepest sense of the word”.

The BBC Online report further says that the film was reportedly not aimed against gays but that Varnakos was wiling to take further action if the film did not stipulate that it was fiction.

The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has welcomed the film, says the BBC Online report. The alliance reportedly said the film breaks new ground for historical blockbusters, showing a man (Hephaestion) as the love of Alexander’s life.

Warner Bros and Stone are yet to respond to the lawyers’ request.

  1. N says:

    It never ceases to amaze me what a fuss people make over gay and bisexual people in the movies. Movies are (arguably these days) art. Art depicts all segments of life. This includes gays and bis. For godsake if you don’t like it don’t watch it.

    Is it really so hard to believe that a prominent figure in history was bisexual? I’m not sure what evidence they have to support this part of the movie but I’m guessing some dramatic writer didn’t just add it for spice.

    Personally I think it’s great showing a powerful man enguaging in bisexuality (assuming he truly was). It brings things more out of the closet which I think is good for everyone.

  2. yorkpaddy says:

    Can I sue movies that portray Irish people as drunks? That is very offensive …. oh shit fell off my chair, where’s my Guinesss

  3. Anonymously says:

    I don’t get this at all!

    How can you not get it? PEOPLE ARE STUPID. You post links about stupid people all day and another one has you mystified? C’mon …

  4. Ricardo Malagon says:

    People and the history knows, all about power and politics is married with deep polemics. Sounds natural for me a movie about one of the most powerful emperors with a polemic sense.

    And his bisexuality is not a polemic (not indeed for the people in that century, greeks knows this). In the past, his continual religius polemics in the begginig and end of his life was the scandal.

    (ugly english, I know…)

  5. paola says:

    I saw the movie yesterday night (I live in Italy) and it totally blew me away. It was fantastic, the powerful emotions of the greatest conqueror of all times displayed on filmscreen! I think Oliver Stone could have done a bit better with the battles and the chronological order of some of the events (I study History and Literature at Italian University in Milan), but I am here to ASSURE YOU ALL that Alexander really was bisexual. I want also add that at those times there were not such restriction as gender, especially in Greece, and whoever says the contrary says a lie – books and historical sources back me up!
    To conclude, I wanted to congratulate with Oliver Stone who signed Colin Farrell for Alexander (it was REALLY great!) and Jared Leto for Hephaestion. The actors were incredibly good – I want also to congratulate him for wanting to display a true-to-historical-facts movie, and not a *hetero* version of history like some other director did with another epic movie (Troy), which was most confusing and almost an insult to Homer and the Iliad.

    Just go and see the movie for yourselves….!

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