
I hate to get into a blog back-and-forth, but I see Adam blogged my entry about his blog (iterative blogging) with an eye-roller of a comment. As of this writing the Msft site is number 2 on the anal sex list when searched on MSN. I expect that Microsoft will be coming up the rear to retake the lead in this race. Now the top hit is an actual porn site which should also be removed. These rationalizations elude me. Hand tweak!!!

Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters: John Dvorak Says “Erase It”

Actually Dvorak brings an interesting perspective because he says Google is hand-tweaking for the benefit of users. Meaning, get the Microsoft page out of the results so that it doesn’t interfere with people who are looking for real anal sex pages. I never really thought of it that way. To me the issue was do you remove something that is embarrassing to Microsoft — in other words hand tweak the results for the benefit of Microsoft itself. Isn’t that the kind of thing Microsoft wants to avoid, for the sake of our overall reputation as an honest company? Unfortunately that seems to be conflicting with our reputation as a producer of accurate search engines (I think the issue might be clearer cut if the link were to another company).

  1. resende says:

    “(…) will be coming up the rear to retake (…)” LOL!

    Hey, now they don’t give you any results! They just give a warning that the search results might return adult content (really helpful advice) on the sponsored sites bar and give you, also on the sponsored sites thing, a link to another search engine… :-S


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