

In response to Microsoft’s CEO Steve Ballmer’s recent statements that Linux was potentially in violation of various software idea patents, Con Zymaris, CEO of open source solutions company, Cybersource has stated that Windows could possibly earn the dubious record of infringing on over 2000 patents.

In a release issued by Cybersource Zymaris mentioned, “If we believe Ballmer, the Linux kernel may possibly infringe on 228 software idea patents. If that’s the case, then it seems reasonable to expect Microsoft’s Windows, which has a code-base ten times larger, infringes on over 2000.”

“And that’s just the operating system. Once we include Microsoft Exchange, Visual Studio, SQL Server and dozens of other products, Microsoft could be infringing on thousands more,” affirmed Zymaris.

The release further claimed that Ballmer’s recent diatribe against Linux was an attempt to scare off Asian governments from adopting Linux.

Zymaris added that currently Linux is not the target of any software idea patent attacks. Microsoft however, is facing between 30 and 35 such court actions

  1. Very interesting. I’ll never forget how Window$ 3.1 stole its looks from Apple.

  2. Louis says:

    The title should read in French “J’accuse” (I accuse) or L’accusation (The accusation). “L’accuse” in French doesn’t work.

  3. Anonymously says:

    The odds of patent holders suing (if they haven’t already) is pretty slim, but boy, it sure would be entertaining if they did!


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