
DeLay says he’s being persecuted, levels charges at Pelosi — This is what happens in US politics when one party gets too dominant. When things are more balanced then the natural corruption of the system is ignored with a wink. It didn’t help that the GOP played the “morality” card.

In addition to the warning letter sent by the Ethics Committee last month, DeLay could face criminal indictment in Austin, Texas, for his role in a fund- raising case in which three of his associates have already been charged. DeLay and his advocates say the case is a vendetta by a Democratic district attorney.

The majority leader also said last month’s Ethics Committee report admonishing him had been prompted by an angry freshman Democratic congressman from Texas, Rep. Chris Bell, who was out to get even with DeLay for helping pass a Texas redistricting plan that knocked Bell out of a job. In filing his complaint, Bell broke a seven-year truce in which members of both parties refrained from filing complaints against each other.

related link
Bush hates DeLay too?

  1. Anonymous says:

    “This is what happens in US politics when one party gets too dominant.”

    Nice observation. There need to be term limits, lest things get too cozy … but there never will be term limits, of course.

    Foolish Democrats, they could have had term limits in 1995 when the whole country wanted them and the Republicans promised to deliver (but Constitutional Amendents need 2/3 of votes).

    But, the Democrats didn’t want term limits because they viewed themselves as only temporarily pushed out the majority.

    Now that the Democrats have discovered they will be out of power for the long haul, bet they wished they could have had a “do over” on that one.

  2. "-" says:

    I recommend watching the California State legislature to determine whether term limits are “good” or “bad.”

    If the voters aren’t watching, paying attention to the candidates and office holders, term limits doesn’t help a thing.

    I used to favor term limits, but the recent experience here (California) has convinced me that there is no substitute for an informed and aware (and thoughtful) populace.

    URL email: “-“


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