
Bob Jones letter gives Bush advice — This guy has his nerve! This posting is about the letter that the head of conservative Bob Jones University (Bob Jones III) sent to Bush. Apparently America does not deserve a reprieve from Paganism. That’s what he says. Is he implying that we should become pagan or what? And now every Democrat, church going or not, “despises” Christ? This guy is an awful person! Talk about mean-spiritied.

“In your re-election, God has graciously granted America – though she doesn’t deserve it – a reprieve from the agenda of paganism,” Jones wrote Bush in a congratulatory letter posted on the university’s Web site.

“You have been given a mandate. … Put your agenda on the front burner and let it boil. You owe the liberals nothing. They despise you because they despise your Christ,” said the letter, dated Nov. 3.

related links:
Bob Jones University

“A liberal arts, nondenominational Christian university, BJU stands without apology for the old-time religion and the absolute authority of the Bible.”

These places used to be called Bible colleges and were proud of the fact. Somewhere along the way they became ashamed of that and now call themselves “liberal arts” schools. Ooops! I mean Universities. I don’t understand the need to be pretentious.

Wikipedia entry

Anti-Catholic Bob Jones antics here.

Not long after Pope Paul VI died in 1978, Bob Jones, chancellor of Bob Jones University in Greenville, South Carolina, wrote an ill-tempered article in his school’s magazine, Faith for the Family (not to be confused with Dr. James Dobson’s magazine, Focus on the Family). The article was republished by the Fundamentalist organization Mission to Catholics, International (run by an ex-Carmelite priest-turned-Fundamentalist minister) as a tract entitled The Church of Rome in Perspective.

No effort is made to be conciliatory, as the first line demonstrates: “Pope Paul VI, archpriest of Satan, a deceiver and an anti-Christ, has, like Judas, gone to his own place.” It goes downhill from there. At one point, Jones attempts to raise the level of discussion, if only momentarily, by citing a diary kept by Bernard Berenson, the famous art collector and critic (who was, by the way, an Episcopalian). Here is what Jones says:

“A pope must be an opportunist, a tyrant, a hypocrite, and a deceiver or he cannot be a pope. Bernard Berenson, in his Rumor and Reflection (a sort of notebook which he kept while hiding from the Germans in the hills above Florence during the Second World War), tells about the death of an early twentieth-century pope as described by his personal physician. When they came to give him the last rites, the pope ordered the priest and acolytes from the room, crying, ‘Get out of here. The comedy is over.’”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Bob Jones is a crackpot.

  2. Jens Stampe says:

    I don’t know where these people come off talking like that. P4 was a great man, as is JP2 today! I don’t know why these people think they can talk about the Pope like that. Where’s the respect? One day, I think, we Catholics are going to stop laughing that sort of rubbish off.

  3. Thomas says:

    These people have no sense of perspective (or just no sense). In short, they’re loons. They get offended when we call them loons but at the same time they have no desire to have any sort of reasonable discussion about anything that might shatter their little world. The only reason we don’t put them in a rubber room is that there isn’t enough space for all of them.

  4. yorkpaddy says:

    I wonder what kind of weight a Bob Jones university degree holds. Seems to me be right up there with those colleges in the back of matchbooks. Aparently they offer a full complement of degrees. What kind of employer would hire one of these graduates?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Yorkpaddy, one thing you might have forgotten — these crackpots are OUR crackpots. They are our protection against crackpots from the other parts of the world.

    Example: when the Muslim fundamentalist nutjobs cause problems, the Christian fundamentalist nutjobs engineer the invasion and suppression of the Muslim nutjobs. This is because the Muslim nutjobs did not realize their place in the pecking order and therefore must be domesticated and re-educated with bombs and other instructional materials provided by the Christian nutjobs.

    Europe’s problem is that they don’t have enough nutjobs to protect themselves.

  6. chuck says:

    Don’t kid yourselves. Our religeous nutjobs don’t have balls. They just currently have the power to send innocent young men and women off to die doing their dirty work for them.

    However, the point is very much correct that there is very little difference between a right-wing islamic religeous zealot in the Middle East and a right-wing christian zealot in the USA. Their self-righteous behaviors are pretty much the same. Ain’t religeon grand!

  7. Dave says:

    “The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.” – Bertrand Russell


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