fascist guardian of taste Michael Powell

CNN.com – FCC’s Powell disappointed in ‘MNF’ – Nov 17, 2004 — Puh-leeeeze. When does Powell resign with the rest of them.? Here is an example of an FCC chairman out of control. He not only wants to ban nudity and anti-government criticisms, but now he is annoyed by the hint or suggestion of nudity! What is wrong with this guy?

WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s chief media regulator expressed disappointment Wednesday over the steamy locker room opening to ABC’s “Monday Night Football” broadcast.

“I wonder if Walt Disney would be proud,” said Michael Powell, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. ABC is owned by The Walt Disney Co.

The opening, which has generated complaints to ABC and the FCC, featured actress Nicollette Sheridan in the locker room, supposedly dressed only in a white towel. She drops the towel and jumps into the arms of Philadelphia Eagles star Terrell Owens. Sheridan was shown only from behind and above the waist after dropping the towel.

Powell questioned the judgment of those who decided to air the scene.

Here is what he thinks TV is all about.

sponge and sponger
sponge and sponger

via K. Burel

  1. "-" says:

    I’ve read about but haven’t seen the footage (backage?). This makes me sad. And even sadder because it seems that all the folks who believe in freedom of expression seem to run away from fights like this one: for profit, large corporation, established values, all that.

    What can we do? I wish someone would at least start a petition that we could sign: stop stopping the skin views. Let us have our circuses.

    I mean that.

    URL email: “-“

  2. Ed Campbell says:

    Sadly, while Michael Powell is a bright, affable guy [ask Leo], his political courage doesn’t match his daddy’s battlefield courage. Of course, neither does his dad’s.

    Powell has changed the FCC from a regulatory, standards and policy-defining body into a lame, dysfunctional PR office that relies entirely on “market pressures” — which means the RIAA, MPAA and the loudest of the censorship klans lead him around by whatever appendage is handiest.

  3. Larry Rolewic says:

    (Right) This is Michael Powell
    (Left) This is Michael Powell’s brain…

  4. Mike Voice says:

    “I wonder if Walt Disney would be proud?”

    Let me think…

    Pirates of the Carribean ride – with pirates chasing after women, and auctioning-off the ones they catch. (Long after Walt’s passing, PC-pressure changed it to men chasing after food).

    Baccanal scene in Fantasia.

    Lots of cartoon bare-shoulders from Snow White and Sleeping Beauty.

    Hmmm… I don’t think Walt would be too concerned with this one, Mr. Powell. 🙂

  5. g quaglia says:

    Powell should take a hint from John Ashcroft (another anal retentive bueacrat) and resign. He is so out of touch with main stream America. He showed his wishy washy ways when it came to the veterans day broadcast of Saving Private Ryan. When some stations balked at showing the movie due to fears of a possible FCC fine. Powell and Co stated that they would investigate the matter if they got a complaint. How about showing some balls and saying the movie has real artisic and historic value and that the FCC will let it be. No, he takes the typical DC fencesitting possition. No wonder Howard Stern thinks he is a scum bag.

  6. Tony PERLA says:

    “What is wrong with this guy?”

    He has never ever once in his life been nude. Nudity is therefore inconceivable to him.

  7. Tony PERLA says:

    “Powell should take a hint from John Ashcroft (another anal retentive bueacrat) and resign. He is so out of touch with main stream America.”

    The three percent plurality of the recent presidential election shows that “mainstream America” is, perhaps, very much attuned to M. Powell (and others in this administration). He (and they) will likely then remain for some time to come.

    Grin and bear it. Four years passes very quickly.


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