Call it what you want knuckleheads!

Barbra Streisand — There are some CEO’s who actually write their own blog. I think this is one of them. Of course blogging itself may be beneath Streisand for some reason. There are no blog entries but “statements!” OK, whatever. Looks like a classic blog to me. The PR folks are probably pulling their hair out.

Posted on November 8, 2004

In response to the results of the Presidential election last week, I would like to share with you a quote from Thomas Jefferson. Although written in 1798, I feel his words speak perfectly to the strong sentiments of frustration and disappointment 48% of the country feel.

“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt……If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake.”

  1. Paddy Mullen says:

    yeah because, Kerry, the candidate that I’m sure Streisand supported was such a strict constitutionalist. I agree with the sentiments she expressed, but not with her choice in candidate, Libertarian in 2008 🙂

    As a side note, I don’t want to say “Shut up and sing”. I don’t like people placing themselves in roles society defines for them and never stepping out. I am an economics major and regularly make comments about computers and engineering.

  2. Anonymous says:

    That lady is a nutcase.

  3. Tomlaureld says:

    I am also a nut case and I do not have any money or power.
    And I do have a website.
    What a wonderful country we live in George, Barbara and I can say what we please online.
    You know that some folks have no business saying what they please and that is why I do.
    Free speech is ok with me.

  4. Anonymous says:

    to Paddy Mullen—–I’ll say it! “Barbara, shut up and sing!!!”

  5. Hatch says:

    A) If Jefferson was running today as a strict limited government type as he was she would decry him as a “ist” of some type (racist, imperialist, blah, blah, blah and B) He (Jefferson) wrote this at the end of eight years of the Washington Presidency and on the eve of the Adams Presidency. Two guys that really took the Republic down the poop hole.

  6. Thomas says:

    Jefferson and Adams took the Republic down the poop hole?! They were two of the original crafters of the Constitution! Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson and Adams really represented the balance of opinion in relation to how the federal government was formed in the first place with Jefferson being a Republican and Adams being a Federalist. It’d be easier to argue that there wouldn’t be a republic without the efforts of people like Jefferson and Adams than to say they destroyed the idea.

  7. Thomas says:

    …Unless of course your entire post was a farce in which case, nevermind ;->

  8. mike hasenstab says:

    I don’t know where she finds the time to post blogs and keep such a website–so detailed, but she has always been outspokent, no matter what the outcome, good or bad. Jefferson was, like Clinton, an egoist and a great thinker. He believed that a democracy is one because it allows free thinking and that political dissent is an act of courage and patriotism. Shut up and sing? Love it or leave it? I saw an editorial cartoon that had the usual HUGE nosed Barbra tied to a bomb with a caption that read, “To Saddam with love.” Have people any idea what the suppression of ideas would mean to our country? Fascism. Totalitarianism. Allow us to speak without being harrassed. The people who boycott artists for saying what they think need to form their own union. Call it anything but the USA. “Speak up AND sing, Barbra!”

  9. aaron heiner says:

    she is the classic CUNT!

  10. Houdini says:

    The great thing about the freedom of speech is, people are free to express their political views. This freedom is extended to every citzen of our great nation. Barbara is free to speak her mind. However it can be said that free speech benefits people of fame and power more directly then common folk. Nobody is going ask me what my view is and report it on Fox news that night. Its kind of unfair in a way, everyone should have a voice, and the voice should be equal. But its not joe citzenry who has the ear of the people… except in mass.

    One Barbara S , or a Warren B. gets the ear of a Senator.

    It takes 2000 regular joes voicing the same oppinion to get similar respect out of a senator.

    That’s not going to change anytime soon, so, guess what is fair game instead?

    Free speech also gives joe citzen and joe oppion poll the right to
    state their view of the view expressed by Joe Celebrity. Thats the great equalizer. They get more exposure, but we get to collectively point at them and go “Barbara lady, you’re an idiot!”

    It is also my right to not buy her albums or go to her concerts in response to how I feel about a view she expresses.

    Some people were upset when people boycotted the Dixey Chicks for
    making antiwar statements. What these some people forgot is
    we have a right to choose where we spend our money.

    No what someone thinks about poltics doesn’t have anything to
    do with what they do for a living and how good they are at it.. but..
    guess what…

    Free speech isn’t freedom from having people pissed at you for what you say.

  11. William X. says:

    I find it incredibly interesting that there is nothing better to discuss than a two year old blog posting by Barbra Streisand, especially since the majority of the responses here have written her off using words like “cunt”. Obviously, she is much more than a “cunt”. In fact, it seems to me that she has become more important to right wingers than she has to men and women who idolize her for her various artistic contributions. She is used as a symbol of liberalism by the far right, her words are used as fuel to fire the right wing agenda. Why should a singer/actress/director have free speech? Why should an accomplished woman (and it’s hard to argue with her accomplishments even if you hate her art) be the subject of cartoons mocking her appearance and advocating for her death? The fact is that those who hate her and her politics have the right to talk out their assholes as much as she has the right to sing, act, direct or get on the nerves of Republicans. To me, that is why I love America and why several of these comments disturbed me. And yes, you can even call her a “cunt” or “nutcase” but who comes away from those well thought out critiques smelling like four day old fish rottiing in the hot sun? Barbra Streisand? Or you?


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