I see nothing!!

Pocatello Idaho State Journal: U.S. to Probe Shooting of Wounded Iraqi — This will become the top news story for the next few weeks. Sounds like Viet Nam circa 1968 to me.

On the video, as the camera moved into the mosque during the Saturday incident, a Marine can be heard shouting obscenities in the background, yelling that one of the men was only pretending to be dead.

The video then showed a Marine raising his rifle toward a prisoner lying on the floor of the mosque. The video shown by NBC and provided to the network pool was blacked out at that point and did not show the bullet hitting the man. But a rifle shot could be heard.

The blacked out portion of the video tape, provided later to Associated Press Television News and other members of the network pool, showed the bullet striking the man in the upper body, possibly the head. His blood splatters on the wall behind him and his body goes limp.

  1. Anonymously says:

    Sounds like Viet Nam circa 1968 to me.

    Didn’t you hear? This is all part of making progress …

    The insurgents in Fallujah are just some “dead-enders” trying to “reconstitute” anyway.
    “In short, the coalition is making good progress…” (Rumsfeld, June 2003)

  2. Mike Voice says:

    In their (Marines) nightmare “world” of IEDs and suicide-bombings, I’m only surprised there haven’t been more “shoot first, ask questions later” incidents reported.

  3. yorkpaddy says:

    Its a shame that a wounded man was shot. But give the military boys a break. They don’t know who their enemies are half the time. I’m sure that they are making every attempt not to kill the innocent, tempered by not wanting to get killed themselves.

    The thing about embeded reporters, they are going to report every infraction the military makes, probably blowing it out of proportion. They will probably not do much reporting of what an isolated incident this was. But, the military is probably less likely to commit war crimes because they are constantly being watched.

  4. It’s exactly like Vietnam. After all, John Kerry got a silver star for much the same thing:

    Personally, I have very little problem with finishing off a sniper who was taking shots at American soldiers. War is hell.

  5. Tomlaureld says:

    The child goes to war and does what he is told.
    That is war.
    To paint the child as a killer is wrong.
    If you want the best for your child don’t send them into war.
    To provoke an audience with such nonsense is sensationalism in its worst form.
    I use the knob and change the channel when reporters use these tidbits of slaughter.
    War is hell and do not like it.


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