About this time every year we begin to get some spectacular sunsets in the SF Bay Area. Here is one from last week.


  1. TomLaurelD says:

    A moment like this is worth its weight in gold.
    I live each moment here in Kentucky so I do understand the emotion of that kind of beauty and the time each of us sees at the moment.
    A lot of songs have been writen about such moments.
    Sometimes life is grand.
    Take Care

  2. Stunning. Thanks for sharing!

  3. It’s fairly cloudy. There must be some better shots to show…

  4. T.C. Moore says:

    This was taken just off of Grizzly Peak Blvd in the Berkeley/Oakland Hills, right John? Probably inside Tilden Park or Wildcat Canyon. What I love about this view and the Bay Area in general is the harmony of nature and man-made objects like the Golden Gate and Bay bridges, and the awesome scale of both. It’s even more breathtaking in person.

    Depending on the location of my latest job, I get to see this view everyday on my way home from work. I am finding it hard to leave, even though the new jobs are in the South Bay.

  5. Tom says:


    What camera (film?) were you using? I’m saving up for one of your recs with image stabilization/

  6. N Richard Gross says:

    We get them in Los Angeles, too…….. only browner.

  7. John C. Dvorak says:

    FYI..it was shot with a Sigma SD-10 digital and shrunk to 400xwhatever for the blog. There have been a lot of wild sunsets recently, I’ll post them as they come along.

  8. Tom says:

    Rats! Outta my league for now. I hope Foveon takes off (i.e. develops economies of scale).
    Please keep up the digicam advice.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Well, Mr. Hopper, it looks like you better upgrade the DU spam filter. This guy’s getting through even with the proper spelling of “ambien”.

    Pretty useless spam, though. Where do we go to buy? Who will take our credit card number?


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