
I have no idea who actually does this sort of testing but one reader says this amusing result is now floating around the net like fire. You ask the new MSN search engine to do a search on anal sex and the Microsoft Corporate site comes up on the first page!!! How does that work?

try it..I’m sure once Msft finds out they’ll tweak it off..so this post is temporary.

Some hours back the situation was fixed but as of this moment 11:45 PST, the Microsoft Corporate site has reappeared at the TOP of the listings. Obviously someone has already hacked the engine!

Now Sen. Rick Santorum has appeared on the list. I thought Googlewashing was bad enough.

  1. Michael says:

    Well, it wasn’t Googlebombed, as all of the Google results for “anal sex” contain that term and appear to be relevant.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The best search engine is http://www.cloud.com/

    It will be the next Google.

  3. Anonymous says:

    John, it is ok for you to admit that you were the one to discover the “anal sex” search.

  4. g quaglia says:

    The way M$ screws its customers, I’d say its right on the money!

  5. Jens Stampe says:

    They say MS is pirating Google to get quick results, but here it seems is a story about MS pirating the Sound Forge software program to make audio files and the proof is in every copy of Windows:


  6. resende says:

    Hey I’m not from the US! Can someone please tell me what does Sen. Santorum has to do with anal sex? 🙂

  7. Slagmi says:

    My first search at search.msn.com was for knoppix 650. My first result was in French, though I speak English, and Knopppix is German.!

  8. Zappini says:

    Can someone please tell me what does Sen. Santorum has to do with anal sex?

    Santorum is yet another dimwitted gay-bashing right wing whackjob. Dan Savage, a sex advice columnist, decided to equate the senator’s name with the act. Cracks me up.



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