Girl in piñata found during border check — Open and shut case. No problemo, right? Jail sentence? A stiff fine maybe? A stern lecture? Naw, let them go.

It’s obvious that we are encouraging this activity at the Federal level.

The large piñata carrying the little girl appeared to be a representation of a “Powerpuff Girls” cartoon character.

The girl was completely sealed inside, Bond said, but she was able to breathe and seemed to be in good physical condition. She, her mother and brother were voluntarily deported to Mexico after they were found.

The car carrying the piñatas bore California plates and was driven by a female U.S. citizen; a man in the passenger seat also is a U.S. citizen. Their names were not available.

Neither will be prosecuted, Bond said, in part because of the sheer volume of immigrant-smuggling cases.

“The arrests of individuals smuggling people far exceeds the ability to prosecute all these people,” he said. “The more egregious cases obviously will be considered for prosecution, but if there is no prosecution, we must release them.”

  1. Tomlaureld says:

    Ain’t this a great country or what?

  2. Rod says:

    Thankfully, no birthday parties were nearby.

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