
Tech woes force many to wander for work — Uh, is the Washington Post just NOW covering this story? How timely.

IT unemployment now exceeds overall jobless rate…

Packman’s only solution is to load the family in the car and drive them eight hours to a friend’s house outside Cincinnati. He plans to leave Sabrina and the boys, to save money, then live out of his car if necessary until the York contract runs out. But he puts off making the move, day after day, because he can’t bring himself to separate from them.

“I just want to see my family happy. I want to see them satisfied. That’s all I care about,” he says. He has résumés on the Internet. Something else will come along.

related sotry:
Indian software industry relieved at Bush’s re-election

Reflecting that relief, the National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) said: “The Indian IT industry welcomes the re-election of George W. Bush. The U.S. is a powerhouse of the global economy and the Indian IT industry is delighted in being a partner to U.S. corporations, helping to make them more competitive,” said Nasscom President Kiran Karnik.

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