
Mozilla Firefox Popularity Threatening Microsoft – Search Engine News Journal — This is the browser I use. Smart money.

November 9 is the D-Day when Firefox announces its presence to whole world, through a full-page advertisement in a major newspaper in USA and other online campaigns that they are ready to rock Microsoft. If they can succeed in upstaging Internet Explorer by dropping its usage numbers even more, maybe the next giant step would be to launch Linux in a similar ways! It is popular no doubt, but it needs the promotion that is being done with Mozilla Firefox.

related link:

— Note, this site will be swamped for a few days.

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    My wonderful wife didn’t mention it, beforehand; but, she donated a few bucks to the Mozilla folks to help pay for the advert in today’s NY TIMES. So, you’ll see the Campbell family listed!

    The browser is terrific. Their email client, Thunderbird, works like a charm, as well. Support ’em by buying their stuff, too. I’ll be wearing my Forefox t-shirt, today instead of corporate logowear.

    The Linux move would be tough, John. Which Linux? That’s the last necessary step to free yourself from the Evil Empire; but, even in my immediate family, we’re running versions from three different companies, GUI’s from two different companies.

    And OpenOffice on all of them.

  2. Tomlaureld says:

    i started out on Netscape Communicator and still use it on my web site. It has one function that other html editors have ignored. I use four browers Firefox, Mozilla, IE and Netscape Communicator 4.8 in that order. IE has always been my “if I have too” browser. Netscape Communicator 4.8 is my personal favorite though it did not keep up with rest. My wife uses Outlook 2000 and I use Thunderbird as my email pages.
    What’s the Matter with Kansas?
    by Thomas Frank

  3. John C. Dvorak says:

    I don’t think they really expected to be so swamped. But I agree.

  4. Steve says:

    Try this mirror:

    Just download the .exe if you are not sure which one to get.

  5. Mark says:

    This is another one of those situations where the world can prove that BitTorrent really does have a few legitimate uses. You can get Firefox 1.0 via BitTorrent with the following .torrent file:

    Love the column, John — put a few good words in for Firefox in the next issue, won’t you?


  6. Steve says:


    Just get Bit Torrent, which was made for this kind of thing (diffusing server bandwidth):

    Then click this link:

  7. Ed Campbell says:

    John, it looks like they put all the horsepower over on the download side of the store. It’s tough getting in; but, the download rocks.

  8. Doc Savage says:

    What’s all the excitement about?? I’ve been using Opera for years and find that it has features FireFox has not caught up with yet.

  9. K B says:

    I must be blessed. I had no trouble getting the download earlier this evening, and it took the normal 17 minutes on a dial-up connection. They must have known it was *me*. 🙂

  10. Joe Smith says:

    I like FF for all the anti-IE reasons, and whatever other religious causes come to mind. However, it hoses my viewing of web sites for which I have deep affections. Therefore, it’s no good.

    Some sites I visit have Flash content which on FF causes a broken QuickTime icon to appear. Is this only a short term bug, web developers building sites that are IE-centric, evidence of a Bill Gatesian conspiracy, or my own lack of knowledge.

    Who knows? I don’t care. FF is still #2 for operational considerations.

    Joe Smith


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