The Observer | Food monthly | Mimi Spencer takes a look at French women’s eating habits — Low-cal food for thought.

They don’t diet and they don’t spend hours panting round the gym. So how can French women put away as much ice-cream, rich pastries and steak frites as they want and yet stay so slim? Mimi Spencer gets her teeth into the ‘French paradox’, which has baffled the world’s best scientific brains for a decade

  1. T.C. Moore says:

    I should have known this article would be content free when the paragraph John cites is so content free.

    For those too lazy to read it, it boils down to this: the French are too arrogant to get fat. It would ruin their reason d’etre: to look down their noses at the rest of the world. (That really is the subtext of the article.) This results in smaller portion sizes and eating less food of higher quality.

  2. Mariya Lilith says:

    An insightful article. Enjoy food, it should be sensuous experience, but don’t abuse it.

  3. Chad says:

    Great article! Us americans need to read this and adapt to our daily life. Have you noticed that americans have to have these HUGE SUV’s, do you know why? We are so FAT that we cant fit in a smaller car. We need to take pride in the way we eat, look, dress. Go to a local wal-mart and look around, 99% of the people are overweight and poorly dressed. Its a shame.


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