bloggers locked out

Here’s the announcement that came from the CES folks in advance of the big show coming up in January. Steve Bass at PC World Magazine is making a fuss over the fact that users group reps will not be allowed in. This is indeed regrettable since they have no COMDEX to attend and they have traditionally been given a pass to these shows.

The Bloggers are another story and it’s something that CES and other large shows are going to have to resolve. There are indeed Bloggers whose readership exceeds that of print writers. There are plenty of print writers who actually have few readers despite the circulation of their publication. But there is at least some standard by which to judge – an audited circulation.

There are probably around 6 million serious bloggers, maybe more. Many of them, probably thousands, would love to go to CES. Some of them should be allowed in as media. But how can the CES folks determine who should be let in and who is just a Live Journal blogger with a readership consisting of family members and the cat?

Since both the Democratic and Republican conventions, much more exclusive venues than CES, invited bloggers I think CES should do the same. But how? There is no real clearing house for bloggers. And if CES allowed applications they could get a million to sift through. Smart money can always get into such a show and I suppose that this is just a challenge like any other. It’s not impossible. But at some point when do bloggers get real credentials? Does anyone have any idea? I’d be interested in hearing solutions to this problem.

Letter from the CES folks:

Dear Registrant:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding the 2005 International CES. Due to space and other resource considerations, the media credentialing process is a priority for us and our exhibitors. At this time, The International CES is not issuing press credentials to the following individuals:

1. User Groups – including pc/windows user/monitor groups; computer club newsletters or societies.

2. Bloggers – Unless they have credentials from another media outlet/source that can be verified.

Individuals who are affiliated with the CE industry may register for the International CES through general attendee registration. Since you are registered, please click the link below to log back into the system with your e-mail and password to complete the demographic questions for the attendee registration. Please go to, click “register” and scroll down the page on the right-hand side of the screen and enter your information under “update my 2005 registration”.

The International CES is an industry event that is not open to the general public. Attendees must be able to verify a direct business relationship to the consumer electronics industry to be able to attend the show.

Thank you for your interest in the International CES. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

  1. says:

    Your link via “” attempts to write the marketing spyware “DoubleClick”. This is a common, less hostile spyware system that gathers a user’s local marketing data and then delivers it to a covert port violating spider. —The same scenario used for key-loggers and other ID-theft criminals.

    This is particualrly Ironic, as on of your links from the domain is titled “Panic of Spyware”.

    It is YOUR responsibility to be aware of all nerfarious activity being committed in your name with your permission. If the link is not known by you, then the rogue activity should be caught by simple JavaScript code placed in your home page that will prevent the link from completing.

    You may loose a reader, but you can also give them a message as to why they are being rejected, along with your direct URL. They can then so clean the spyware (e.g. “DoubleClick”) from their PC, and come visit you safely in the future.

    This can be done very simply with common, well known static JavaScript placed in your home page that will protect your readers. At least warn them that they have been the victim of spyware! They will be grateful and will probably set up a bookmark directly to your domain.

    Your writing is YOUR property and you should protect it from commercial exploitation from which you do not benefit.

    Learn some JavaScript? Yes it will require a little effort (not much). but in the words of a John Muir (the VW ‘Idiot Book’ fellow, not the naturalist!) —”Know your ass, for it bears you…”

    PS: Please forgive and respect my attempt to protect my privacy.

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    Maintaining the strength and flexibility of the back and its accessory muscles and joints (as discussed last month) are two of the three components of a healthy back maintenance program. The third component involves the use of proper lifting techniques…


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