monkey – Wisconsin district to teach more than evolution – Nov 6, 2004 — It begins, as predicted. Will Bible absolutists re-introduce stoning?

GRANTSBURG, Wisconsin (AP) — School officials have revised the science curriculum to allow the teaching of creationism, prompting an outcry from more than 300 educators who urged that the decision be reversed.

Members of Grantsburg’s school board believed that a state law governing the teaching of evolution was too restrictive. The science curriculum “should not be totally inclusive of just one scientific theory,” said Joni Burgin, superintendent of the district of 1,000 students in northwest Wisconsin.

via Thomas

Related link: the reportage on the original Scopes-Monkey Trial

Mencken: “People are stupid. Get over it.”

  1. K B says:

    To open this can of worms again, Dvorak is…
    (a) courageous
    (b) running low on blog material 🙂
    (c) looking for a good fight
    (d) just trying to keep his customers satisfied
    (e) all of the above

    Gentlemen, the floodgates are now open: Start your engines. (I prefer my metaphors mixed.)

  2. John C. Dvorak says:

    I’m not expecting much here since the topic has been beaten to death in this post:

    the Wisconsin thing is informational, not debateable. Seems to me. If people take the time to read the Mencken reporting on the Monkey trial, though, there is a vision of the way journalism used to be that is worth discussing when people talk about todays so-called liberal press.

  3. Thomas says:

    I had never heard of Mencken until this post. I did some research and read through a couple of his works including the attached link on teh Scopes trial. What a character! What happened to that type of eloquence?

    While I did vote for Bush, the article was meant to convey the fear that we may have opened the loony bin and let all the religious crazys out. It remains to be seen which crazys, the left fringe or the right fringe are worse. We’ll find out soon enough.


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