Is this girl worried about being blown up? Why? Isn’t this the kind of thinking that got Bush re-elected in the first place??
Sorry Everybody — How Can We Make It Up To You? — A Website crops up to apologize to the world for re-electing Bush. You send it your photo, it gets posted. Is this ever going to end? Worth a look. The next website I expect will be the pro-Bush, send-in-a picture website. How about
via JCS Dvorak
Surely you’re joking about
50 years of that attitude is kind of what put us in this mess in the first place, isn’t it?
Yes, and that’s why I’m expecting it.
That site is offline.
She even *looks* like one of the political geniuses who voted for Kerry. 🙂 <>
But John, you wrote, “Is this girl worried about being blown up? Why? Isn’t this the kind of thinking that got Bush re-elected in the first place??” If she were worried, she wouldn’t be joking about it. Bin Laden has been reduced from a thug to a beancounter. As Mike Luckovich the editorial cartoonist correctly depicted, the next thing you know he’ll be on video telling us all how we should baste our turkeys.
Nice stories about the future. Hope that the planet will survive with Bush on the leadership, so that we can see all these come true. Why did you do this to us?
One thing I learned from US Gov the last 4 years: If your computer crashes, or if your child is not eating its food, or if your coffe is spilled, BLAME IRAQ AND TERRORISM AND OF COURSE GOD BLESS AMERICA, WE ARE GONNA HUNT THEM DOWN! How long are you going to live this way? Do you Americans like being terrified about absolutely NOTHING while others are getting richer from your fears? Just answer one simple question: When did Iraq even say anything about US the last 15 years?
Bush is the real terrorist in the whole story. He just wants to scare american people in order to find more “weapons of mass destruction” that don’t exist.
Do you think that Iraqi peorple are free now? Would you be free if you were dead? Why some people are so stupid that don’t understand that? Why don’t you believe Michael Moore? Why anyone that says God bless america becomes your leader? Why don’t you visit an international news agency to get real information and not that lies that your American Media serves you? Hope you’re thinking about immigration…
Hark! I found the Luckovich cartoon I alluded to above where there is no sign-in required.
We don’t believe Moore because he is a hypocrite that tells lies and half-truths.
I seem to remember Kerry saying God Bless America along with every other Presidential and Congressional candidate for the past 200 years.
International news organizations are as reliable as domestic news organizations. We all need to account for the biases which they all have. We all try to take information from multiple sources and viewpoints and compile them into something that hopefully let’s us see past the bullshit.
Americans are not terrified, but we were bombed for the first time in 60 years and had an attack occur on American soil for only the second time in 136 years. The middle-east has had ample opportunity to resolve its differences, but has clearly proven incapable of finding peace. With the potential for some terrorist bozo taking a nuke, chemical or biological weapon and using it against another country, like us, it is no longer an option to hope that these tyrannical counties will become peaceful nations.
Whoops, it has already been done.
I don’t take Kerry’s side, simply because I can’t vote for him, and I am not one of those who think that J. Kerry would be very different from Bush. But I do think that things could be a little more sophisticated (really a little). Of course it is not an option to pray to God about peace, but certainly it is not an option to bomb anyone that could be a terrorist. What were the evidence that Sadam owned chemical or so-called mass destruction weapons? The only obvious thing was that Bush striked Iraq for oil and of course, this strike was planned way before 9/11. And what about Binladen appearing on TV three days before the election? Was that a coincidence? And why did the American people see only 2 minutes from that video before the election and 18 minutes (the whole video) after the election?
You were bombed for the very first time, this is a sad fact. But all those years, all we heard was about american smart bombs striking hospitals, small villages, innocent people and much less military bases. Of course all these were claimed as mistakes. I remember the crisis on Serbia and Montenegro vividly. It reminds me very much of the movie “Wag the dog”. What I am trying to say is that if you really want peace, you should really try to have peace, as many countries do, and not start wars in order to raise your financial and political position.
In addition to that, there is a question in my mind: Did you really buy that thing about freedom in Iraq? Would you be free if you were dead? I know I wouldn’t.
Finally, it seems to me that all decisions are made with war on mind after 9/11. From then and on, you were informed about many possible terrorist attacks that didn’t happen. The Olympics were supposed to be a target for terrorists but they were not. Aren’t you fed up with lies? Is it the right decision to think that anyone that didn’t help you on striking Iraq is an enemy? Was really the war in Iraq a slap in the face for terrorism? I don’t think so, simply because Bin laden is free to create video-clips and Sadam is in prison. Afghanistan is peaceful but there are still awful battles in Iraq (Although it seems that many Americans know that the war in Iraq is over) with innocent American soldiers getting killed and innocent people caught as hostages.
The american media are not allowed to even mention that american soldiers were killed. Is this really freedom? Missinformation? Being afraid of everyone and facing everyone as enemy? REALLY, FREEDOM?!!!
What next? Bush already recognised FYROM as Macedonia (Macedonia is the nothernmost area in Greece, and it has been Greek for the last 2.500 years!!! – on this you should read history and not rely on Oliver Stone’s Alexander the great), creating a crisis with no reason. What next?
P.S. Sorry about spelling mistakes. English is not my mother-tongue.
The evidence of Saddam’s WMDs was extensive and it came not only from US intelligence communities, but numerous other countries as well: Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Israel etc. At the outset of the war, no one questioned whether Saddam had WMDs. The only question at the time was what to do about it.
The reason Bin Laden’s video was not shown in its entirety was to limit air time given to a whacko. The more we show his videos nationally, the more effect he has.
RE: Smart Bombs
I notice you say nothing of other counties weapons which regularly miss their targets and kill innocent civilians. Smart Bombs are not “perfect bombs.” They help minimize collateral damage but cannot eliminate it altogether.
Your knowledge of history is missing a few things. Firstly, let’s not forget that it was Clinton that engaged us in Serbia which makes your pining for Kerry mysterious. Secondly, Serbia was resolved using a UN coalition of numerous countries including France. Thirdly, we had someone who was attempting genocide. I suppose we learned nothing from World War II?
RE: Iraqi Freedom
So, according to you, we only look at the dead people. Specifically, we should only look at the people that died because of us in the course of freeing that country. We shouldn’t bother ourselves with the fact that the living has more freedom. We shouldn’t care whether the previous ruler starved the country through the Oil for Food program while pocketed billions. We shouldn’t care that Saddam used chemical weapons against his own people. Thousands died in the liberation of the US from Britain. I suppose those people aren’t free either. By your reckoning, Afghani freedom was worth it because it was easy, but Iraqi isn’t worth it because it has been difficult. Ridiculous.
RE: 9/11
Being informed of terrorist attacks that were thwarted or did not happen is a far cry better than knowing nothing prior to 9/11.
RE: Olympics
You must be kidding. Wake up man! You don’t suppose that the massive security expenditure at the Olympics had anything to do with the fact that there were no terrorist attacks? We made a conscious effort to *ensure* that nothing would happen. Now that it doesn’t, you chalk it up to a lie? That is utterly stupid.
RE: Not showing dead soldiers in the media
There couldn’t be anything other explanation could there? The reason that the government does not want the media plastering dead soldiers all over is for a couple of reasons. Firstly, there is a matter of showing respect for the soldiers themselves. Second, it helps the enemy cause. It helps the enemy garner support amongst those, like yourself, that think that freedom is only worth it if it is quick and easy.
Personally, I find the most offensive thing being this woman apologizing to terrorists who blew up her own people.
Or maybe I’m just not sensitive enough because I live in a Blue State where hundreds have already been killed by this madman. (I voted red.)
Has anyone figured out why this website is down? or gone?
You said:”By your reckoning, Afghani freedom was worth it because it was easy, but Iraqi isn’t worth it because it has been difficult. Ridiculous”. I really hate when people confuse the word freedom with war. They are not synonyms. They are opposites! I didn’t talk about freedom, because if I did, I would try to make clear that I use the right word, and not the term that makes me ashamed of. Oh, that’s why people confuse democracy with dictatorship (both Greek words), now I get it! Thanks.
We Americans involve ourselves in anything that relates to our security. We are involving ourselves in the middle-east because they are incapable of coming to peace on their own.
Freedom isn’t free. Have you ever heard that expression? It simply is not possible to earn your freedom at no cost to the innocent. Either you believe we are bombing innocents intentionally, which we are not or you somehow believe that liberating a country should come at no cost of life.
You are either young are very naïve or both. We didn’t stop the war when we arrested Saddam because the terrorists didn’t stop fighting. The Iraqi government is not yet stable or safe from terrorist attempts to over throw it. I do not think that overthrowing Saddam will increase terrorism. Iraq provides a convenient place where we can help jihad idiots meet Allah. The message we are sending is: If you continue bombing school children and acting like terrorists, we will kill you or (if you are lucky) arrest you. That message is amazingly persuasive. You seem to be very concerned with innocent deaths, however you do not seem to mind that terrorists are killing innocents purely for political gain.
Once the Iraqi government is stable, the Iraqi people will have far more freedom than under Saddam. Talk to the Afghanis. Ask some of the women if they are freer than when they were ruled by the Taliban.
RE: Olympics
So, you are saying that the fact that there was no terrorist attack at the Olympics was pure luck? You are delusional. There was more security at the Olympics in Salt Lake and Greece than any other Olympics in the past.
RE: Serbia
It may very well have been for Clinton’s political gain, but regardless, Clinton was right in going in with the UN to take out a group committing genocide.
My naïve friend, you seem to have no concept of what it takes to overthrow a repressive government. You have no idea of what it really costs to have freedom. You want to the US to stay out of other people’s business, but then cry foul when we don’t help. To this day, there are French people that are resentful that we didn’t enter World War II sooner. We can’t please everyone. Our beloved President’s predecessor was in office when numerous terrorist attacks were made or attempted against us and tried to use the proper channels to hunt down the perpetrators as criminals. That didn’t work. I repeat, treating terrorists as a law enforcement problem did not work. Our current President had enough of that nonsense after 9/11 and worked to solve the problem at its source. Saddam provided all the “excuses” we needed to take him out. Let’s not forget that the UN was on the brink of total irrelevance had they not acted against Saddam. After we took Iraq, we found, (surprise, surprise) that the Iraqi’s were using the French and Germans to funnel in billions through the Oil for Food program.
Bush won election again for many reasons, but one reason on which both candidates agreed was that we must finish what we started in Iraq and find a way to bring resolution to the Palestinian problem. That’s not stupid. That’s the right way to solve this thing.
RE: Confusing freedom with war
It is poignant to note that historically no one has ever gotten the former without the later. There is no confusion here. The Iraqi people will never be free if they are not allowed to create government of the people. Right now, terrorists are doing everything they can, including coercing pacifists like you, to return prevent that from happening. Many Iraqis have died at the hands of other Iraqis because a small group of lunatics do not want a democracy.
I am saying nothing more. Just read who said what and when. If you are not convinced after that, then you are either an oil factory, or a weapons manufacturer, or a billioner or Bush
Some good stuff up at the site.
RE: Bush
Let’s see, Bush has a degree from Yale, a world renowned university. What do you have?
RE: Olympics
Oh, I’m sorry. You are saying that no threat was thwarted because of that additional security because no one was planning an attack at the Olympics in the first place. Funny, I seem to remember bunch Islamic fundamentalists doing exactly that in 1980. You are playing idiotic games with hindsight. That’s like saying there was no possibility of us losing World War II. After all, we won right? Naïve.
RE: Iraq
Let’s not forget the thousands of soldiers returning home or that are still there that are not disqusted; the ones that realize that they are fighting to free the Iraqi people.
Using either the word “took” or the word “liberated” apply. In this context, militarily, we secured, or took, the vast majority of the country in a month.
not letting Spanish and Black people (that live in your country and pay taxes) t
What in the hell are you smoking? No such restriction exists for Spanish or Black citizens. You are reading some bad propaganda. In fact, Spanish speaking voters and Black voters made significant contributions to this election.
RE: Bin Laden
Bin Laden does not represent the entirety of terrorism. He is simply one person.
RE: Youth
The young people today, particularly in the United States, have never had to deal with a real enemy until now. They have never had to deal with Nazis or Pol Pot or even the Soviet Union. Many have trouble understanding how it can be that whackos like these Islamic terrorists can hate so much and kill indiscriminately.
You are correct in that war is not the only solution to these problems. Of course, you are also ignoring the fact that with countries like Iraq, over the past ten years or so we tried numerous other solutions. We tried to treat terrorism as a law enforcement problem. That didn’t work. We tried economic sanctions. That didn’t work. We tried trade sanctions. That didn’t work.
You don’t want to look at facts. You don’t want to look at what has happened historically. You don’t seem to care what happens to the Iraqi people over the long term. You simply want to resent the US. That’s your prerogative, but it does mean have little ability to persuade.
You said: “Let’s see, Bush has a degree from Yale” – That’s why he and Kerry were at Skulls and Bones – “, a world renowned university. What do you have?” I am 22 yo, I am a graduate of Information and Communications Systems Engineering Department, I speak 4 languages, I’ve been to places that you don’t know that exist (Turkey, Albania, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, Half the Greek islands and Half Greece, Italy, Hungary), I work in 3 jobs (I give computer lessons, radio station and I own a small software company – which has NOT bankrupted – although Bush bankrupted all the oil companies he bought except the ones that he has been helped by your enemies: Saudies and Talibans) and at the moment I am working on my graduate degree about peer to peer computing. I am NOT an alcoholic and I am NOT a racist. Instead of sitting in front of the TV, at the time of war, I bought lots of international newspapers, including American and I visited all the international news agencies that owned a website. Now, what about you? You own a tv, you strongly believe in God, you believe anything that they tell you, you’ve never been out of your country’s borders and…?
Olympics: “…because no one was planning an attack at the Olympics in the first place…”. Booooy, you DO have the same low IQ as Bush (Bush’s IQ is rated around 85, not by me, by doctors). I only try to say that security at the Olympics was planned as it should be long time ago and didn’t need the american *enforcements* to increase security. (It’s the 3rd time I explain it, I’m getting bored here…)
Iraq: You STILL insist, not visiting any of the sites mentioned above and you still believe anything that your country tells you.
Useful sites: Mentioned above
Useful movies: Wag the dog (Great prophetical movie), The truman show (It reminds me of the kind of freedom that you have), Head of the State (Just a funny movie about the American elections). Have you seen any of these? I hope that you did, recommend that you watch them again and I bet you’ve seen Air Force One and Perl Harbor…
You said: “No such restriction exists for Spanish or Black citizens”. Remember 2000? Same things happened this year. Some friends of mine, that became American citizens, didn’t find their names in the lists (Florida). Also in 2000, there was a major scandal about Spanish (from 41.000, only 60 were allowed to vote – the case is still in courts and if you want I’ll send to you the name and telephone number of the lawyer) and Black people (Remember the words: No senators signed this paper mister President? – No one told anything, the case is represanted by the same female lawyer and no one ever tried to occupy his/her mind with that)
Bin Laden: So, he is a symbol about creating wars all over the place? What a load of crap… Arrest him if you can. If you do, I will swim all the way to US to kill him.
Nazis: My country has suffered by Nazis for 4 years and by Turks 379 years. My grand father faught the Nazis (and also World War I) and had a wooden leg and YOU talk to ME about real enemies? Oh, coooome oooon….
You said: “You don’t want to look at facts”. NO SIR!!! YOU don’t want to look at the facts. You haven’t answered even one of the questions that I asked about FYROM or about evidence for WMDs, or about the OFFICIAL sites with REAL proofs mentioned above.
I am willing to make a gift to you: A ticket for Greece and staying in Athens for 10 days, in order to see real freedom (what the media say about the gov, what people say about gov, real problems, how we try about peace and stuff) and great sightseeing including some other “terrorists” like Plato, Socrates, Dimosthenes and what we call democracy in its birth-place. After that, I will interview you live at the radio. No censorship, everyone tells what he believes without being arrested. Is that possible in your FREE country?
For the last 3 days in this post, all I say is thoughts that exist inside the minds of the whole world, including half your people, based on recent facts and real evidence. All you say: General ideas, historical facts about World War II and denial about anything. Wow…
You said: “Using either the word “took” or the word “liberated” apply. In this context, militarily, we secured, or took, the vast majority of the country in a month”. Of course, that’s why the country is TOTALLY free now (1,5 year after you invaded in Iraq) and no more blood is spilled and of course you “liberated” all the oil sources. Very nice… You know, the word imperialism is propaganda’s best friend and both are very old words and meanings.
Why don’t you go fight in Iraq if you believe all these things? Why don’t you send your son (if you have one) to liberate these poor people. I’ll lend you $ for the tickets, and you give 1/10 of the money to me back to me when (no, no… IF) you return home. Come on you great liberator…
RE: Bush’s credentials
Great. That means you have a comparable education background to that of the President. Bush speaks two languages which, for an American, is rare. So, the nonsense that Bush is stupid is a wholly baseless argument. You may not agree with his decisions but you look stupid when you claim that Bush is a dummy.
RE: Olympics
Fact: Security was increased at both Salt Lake and Greece.
Fact: There were no terrorist attacks or even attempts at either Olympics.
I see both of those facts as relating to each other. Neither of us has a way of verifying whether the increased security had any effect because nothing happened, however to presume that the increased security had no effect whatsoever is wild speculation.
RE: Iraq
Actually, I have read plenty on the Iraq situation. Firstly, Iraq and Serbia (your “Wag the Dog” incident) are totally unrelated. Different situation. Different President. Different world dynamics. I have actually seen all of those movies but you seem to think those are documentaries. They are fiction that presents plausible, but not actual, scenarios. Here’s a news flash: Treat anything posing as “plausible” coming from Hollywood with skepticism.
BTW, Free does not equal “No bloodshed.” These people have been taught from birth to hate Americans and hate Jews. It simply will not be possible to make a peaceful nation (which is what you are equating to free) overnight.
You apparently have no point on the Iraq situation other than to claim we are killing innocents. Whether you think that is intentional I know not. The fact of the matter is that Iraq is freer than it was and, once these pockets of bozos are eradicated, will have far greater liberty to determine its own governance.
RE: Spanish or Black Voters
Just because your friends are incompetent with regards to voter registration in no way lends credence to some grand conspiracy. Even if we were to presume that your isolated incident is valid, it ignores the *millions* of other Black and Latino voters that did not seem to have a problem casting their vote. Granted, I have no doubt that Florida is messed up. They are so incompetent they couldn’t finish their own local elections a couple of years ago without controversy. But Florida does not represent the entire US. Regardless, Florida is a moot point. Bush won Florida handily by almost 4 million votes.
RE: Bin Laden
Again, you make it sound like we don’t care about Bin Laden. We have forces right now that are doing nothing but hunting him down. He will be found but he is not the entirety of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. Even if we toasted Bin Laden tomorrow, the terrorists fighting in Falluja would continue killing.
RE: Nazis;
*Your father* knows true evil because he had to first hand experience fighting it. You on the other hand have no such experience. By the time you were seven, the Soviet Union had collapsed.
Don’t any knowledge of this situation nor do I see how it relates to Iraq war or terrorism. However, I’ll see if I can take the time to do some research later. It is obviously very personal to you, but it is not something on which I have an opinion one way or the other and it does not seem to relate the topic at hand.
You are apparently too young to see the long term effects of continuing to do nothing about terrorism. The evidence of WMD, **before** the war was considered overwhelming by everyone in the UN. There was no discussion about *whether* Saddam had WMDs. The only discussion was about *what* to do about it. In the end, he either successfully moved them out of the country or incredibly duped the entire planet including us.
I don’t really care whether you agree that Iraq should be free or not. I really have no problem with people that don’t agree with liberating Iraq. We don’t need your acceptance to rid the world of a threat to the US. If the Turks were to take Greece (again), I suppose we should leave you to your own devices because we wouldn’t want to accidentally kill any innocent Greeks.
You are argument about me fighting personally is a pathetic straw man argument. No answer I give will suffice to you, nor do I care. The fundamental question is which situation would be better for the Iraqi people in the long run: a dictator or oligarchy or self-governance. I claim the later.
So, you are a politician. The only thing I am asking you, is to give me some evidence, I don’t care if it is plain text or pictures, or anything as long as it has some dates, some names and some childish terminology like “this is a very dangerous biological weapon” . Just some evidence about WMDs. I really get nothing.
Bush IQ:
You said: “these pockets of bozos are eradicated, will have far greater liberty to determine its own governance”, where I have to add the pockets of Bush, oil and gun companies are filled and Iraqis will have the great honour to have a gov determined by the US. By the way, don’t you think that oil is far more expensive now? Why is that?
You said: “You apparently have no point on the Iraq situation other than to claim we are killing innocents”. No, mister, YOU have no point on the Iraq, simply because you didn’t spend any time to check what millions of people say and you just rely on Bush. I talk with proofs. You talk generally. Who do you think has the point? I’ve read A LOT about the Iraq situation and believe me, the moto: “God bless America. These are terrorists. We are going to hunt them down”, are just words for me. Sky news and CNN didn’t tell you the awful truth… The fact is that war in Iraq was not a war against terrorism, but a war for Oil, money and 4 more years of hardcore political violence.
Olympics: You insist on sth that is clearly wrong, because you are not able to think in another way.
Yes, I am young and I haven’t lived great wars like World War II, but I don’t think that I have to be in a war in order to understand when someone lies and I am able to claim myself free to state my mind. How old are you, 90? It is simple math; 2+2 does NOT equal 5…
You said: “These people have been taught from birth to hate Americans and hate Jews”.
I say: Don’t get me started about what you have been taught from birth about foreign people, freedom (Huh..), democracy (“there was bloodspilling about democracy” and stuff…), Canadians, Palestenians, Cubans, French, Iraqis, Muslims and other races, solving problems ONLY with wars etc.
FYROM Issue has to do with “fighting the terrorism”. Bush recognized FYROM as Macedonia because Greece didn’t send army in Iraq. Wow, what a nice reason to give sth that has been Greek for 2.500 years to a country that owned alphabet and has been founded by two Greek monks (Kyrill and Methodios). It also has to do with promises about stabilising the Balkan, which is NOT.
You mentioned a potential war between Greece and Turkey. Wow, this would be tough. Either support 11 millions of people that didn’t support your options about terrorism OR support some of the most hardcore islamists, which you hate. The only think I wouldn’t like to happen is bombing our country to defend us, like you did in Iraq. This is totally silly.
You said: “You are argument about me fighting personally is a pathetic straw man argument”. All I say is that if you believe all these stuff, why don’t you go help your country with its liberation project? Come one, you could become one of these very useful liberators that guard the oil sources and get $40.000 a month. Not a soldier, of course not! They only get $3.700, they risk their lives, they don’t have a future when they return home with one less leg, and they just fight for your “security”. You could become a real OIL SECURITY GUY!!!!
Face the truth: War in Iraq was shit, based on lies. Oil in Iraq was the issue. Come on, you really think that the whole planet and half the US are wrong? Your security level is NOT going to go under yellow (which can be, if you secure your borders and stuff). Yellow means security threats. Security threats create new enemies. New enemies start new wars. War is a nice way to panic people and earn money. Paniced people are loyal and money is nice. Loyal people are easy to manage. Easy-to manage people means LOTS of money. Money is nice…
You said: “a dictator or oligarchy or self-governance. I claim the later”. Actually you give them only the first 2 options, simply because your country has a dictator that uses stuff like propaganda, lies and media to govern. Open your eyes…
All I understand about you is that you actually buy lies, you talk about facts that came from TV, you talk about facts that happened 60 years ago, you name war as liberation (wow, this is very progessive…), you believe that you are free when you could easily be arrested if you say sth about Bin Laden on your cell phone, you believe that you have democracy (when all you have is a mysterious mix of dictarorship and theocracy. This is OK, you’ve never experienced democracy so you can call it whatever you like), when your TV (and I mean the channels) is owned by your gov, and you speak exactly like Bush was speaking as a candidate. This is called a puppet… You must be a very nice American citizen for the Gov. What is your job? Guns, oil, promoting Bush, or you are just a billioner with a 52″” plasma TV? Send me a picture of your Volvo…
Do you think half of your people are stupid? Do you think that the rest of the world is stupid, or are you much more progressionist than anyone?
Fotis, did you EVEN realize that the source you cited for Bush’s low IQ was debunking an urban legend that circulated as a chain email?
Probably not. That’s because you’re stupid.
Apparently, my original post didn’t make it (or was too long).
I’ll just say that 99% of your statements are straw man arguments based on absurdly false statements or completely illogical conclusions. A straw man argument is one that slanders the person (me) or my country rather than making lucid opinions based on fact. Your comment on Bush, as already mentioned, substantiates my claim that Bush is intelligent. An example of a wild conclusion is your statement about American schools. American schools do not teach students to hate a race of people unlike many schools in middle-eastern countries. If there is an American school teaching such hate, provide the evidence. Another is your statement about the US being dictatorship. You are ignoring that we have three branches of government and that the Legistlature overwhelming supported the use of force against Iraq. You should realize that there are almost no pure democracies on the planet. The US for example is a republic. Using your country as a barometer, we are based more on the Spartan model than the Athenian model.
The following link is to the Carneigie International Peace foundation’s report on what was known about Iraq.
At the top of page 15 is this:
Somehow, you have got it in your head that people that voted for the losing candidate are thought to be stupid. Absolutely not. I believe that half of the people in my country have a difference of opinion to the other half regarding which candidate would make the better leader. More people agreed with me than disagreed.
The point keeps getting missed, which is what millions of dollars of re-directing advertising will do. The election had nothing to do with actual US security. Neither Afghanistan nor Iraq had any real effect on the problem…particularly Iraq, which wasn’t even involved with Bin Laden! Afghanistan is understandable…though the Taliban actually agreed to turn over Bin Laden, but got invaded anyway. The Taliban weren’t terrorists, incidentally, but massive advertising has made them seem so. Besides…they got everyone in the world to hate them, including the Buddhists, which is a difficult feat in itself. Now the US has scads of them in Guantanamo Bay–which, used as a prison rather than a naval facility, should actually revert to Cuba. Illegal as that is, they will have to be kept there forever…because what else are you going to do? (Stupidity Rules!)
However, these wars are merely serving as a distraction from a morally and politically bankrupt strategy which is totally unable to cope with terrorism. Reading behind the headlines, very little is actually being done about terrorism, to this date.
So, with Kerry, and without the need to start diversionary wars to mask greed, ineptitude and corruption, the US could better spend its money and energy on actually fighting terrorism, instead of leaving the homeland bereft of troops, creating great targets all around the world, angering Muslims of every persuasion and creating new legions of terrorists; engaging in stupid and isolating foreign policy; and stealing, threatening, and bullying enough to create enemies for America that will persist into the next century.
But, hey, I live in New Zealand now.
I strongly agree with BJD.
Look Thomas, I believe that you are either very old or blind, or a politician, or a billioner, or an oil company owner, or gun manufacturer. I will try no more to open your eyes, because there is no way that this will happen. I only want you to give me 2-3 URLs in which I can find sth like:
10-May-2004 (or Something), we found ONE WMD in Iraq, AND NOT THOUGHTS IN 2002 THAT SAID THAT IRAQ MAYBE HAS WMDs!!! Can you? You like your country being the world police, as the rest of the world doesn’t. The only reasons (fake of course) you have are your national security and terrorism. Your gov now, will try to help the Jews kill the Palestinians in a way to solve the problem, “liberate” Iran, and force Cuba to use $$. The url that you wrote above, already has “proofs” about terrorists in Iran. Wow…
I am really sorry of you. You are stuck and you are as not open mind as you think you are. Hope you live happily in your full of freedom and democracy country. Hope that fear and happiness mean the same for you…
I really rail against the notion that we’re going to upset the Muslims and make new terrorists. If that’s the case, no one will ever be able to solve the problem. You will always piss off somebody when you try to institute change.
The Taliban agreed to all kinds of things and we had no confidence that they would do what they said. They wanted to put all kinds of conditions on his release.
If 10 or 20 years from now, Iraq and Afghanistan are stable with some form of representative government and the terrorists in these two countries have all but been eradicated, is the rest of the world going to apologize to us? Will those people that now say it is too expensive, later say that it was worth the expense for stability?
From 1939 to 1941, many Americans made the same claims about the war in Europe. It was too expensive. Let the Europeans fight their own war. It doesn’t concern us. Look how many innocent people are dying. Funny how none of those people question the expensive of that war.
I don’t like to discuss things that happened 60 or more years ago, simply because many things have changed since then.
The only thing I am trying to say all these days is US gov shouldn’t create or make up enemies in order to create wars and earn money. There are many people that disagree with your imperialistic ideas and you should at least check what they have to say, which you didn’t all these days, even though I tried to give to you the best web sites I could find. The world is tired of bombing innocent people because your gov isn’t able to make your country secure by using other ways. At least try to think that one 10% of what people say could actually be true.
I don’t like to discuss things that happened 60 or more years ago, simply because many things have changed since then.
So, we should ignore history 60 or more years ago. So, we should ignore the fact that Macedonia has been part of Greece from historic times in relation to your FYROM incident? I’m not bringing up that incident specifically, but rather using it as an example of the fact that history cannot be ignored.
You missed the point of the link. Prior to 9/11 everyone in the world thought that Saddam had WMDs. That includes France, German, and host of other counties, including other Arab counties that abstained from helping disarm him. It was only after we invaded that we discovered there were few or none.
The world is tired of bombing innocent people because your gov isn’t able to make your country secure by using other ways.
Actually in terms of terrorist bombings, the US is one of the safest countries in the world. I agree let’s stop bombing innocent people. Tell that to the bozos that flew planes into the Towers. The difference is that the US wants to stop that kind of nonsense over the long haul. One of the best ways of doing that is to replace these middle-eastern tyrannical governments with representative governments.