I see nothing, I hear nothing...
U.S. Wants No Warming Proposal (washingtonpost.com)

The Bush administration has been working for months to keep an upcoming eight-nation report from endorsing broad policies aimed at curbing global warming, according to domestic and foreign participants, despite the group’s conclusion that Arctic latitudes are facing historic increases in temperature, glacial melting and abrupt weather changes.

State Department representatives have argued that the group, which has spent four years examining Arctic climate fluctuations, lacks the evidence to prepare detailed policy proposals. But several participants in the negotiations, all of whom requested anonymity for fear of derailing the Nov. 24 report, said officials from the eight nations and six indigenous tribes involved in the effort had ample science on which to draft policy.

  1. Mike Voice says:

    I often wonder why you link to foreign news sites – until I hit the dreaded “registration required” screen at the washigntopost link.

    I’ll pass. 🙂

    This is something you complained about in your PC Mag column, and I couldn’t agree more.

  2. Mike Davis says:

    Global warming is a myth.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    I dont know where I read Garrisons Keilors comment about how when he was a child Republicans had managed to banish all of riht wing Roosevelt hating, flat earthers from their party and Eisenhower was the kinder gentler republican.John the flat earth society is back and doing well in the White House.

  4. Mike Voice says:

    And another thing..

    Another great match between headline and photo.


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