
Technology News: Science: Climate Change Melts Arctic Ice — The way I see it: Good news for Canada!

Negative changes include a shorter season for oil and gas development due to soggy tundra and rising seas due to the melting of ice sheets. Although the U.S. government participated in funding the report and hosting meetings, sources involved in the project have said the State Department has questioned the policy recommendations.

The Arctic is experiencing the effects of human-induced climate change, according to a four-year report commissioned by eight nations with territory in the region. The Arctic Climate Impact Assessment is set to be released Nov. 9 in Iceland, but its summary findings were leaked to the New York Times.

related link:
Now the Pentagon Tells Bush:
Climate Change Will Destroy Us

  1. Igloo says:

    Worry about mosquitoes for the first time in the Far North.
    Skin cancer from greater UV. Oil spills as arctic in Russian
    and Canadian side is open to year round shipping.
    Extinction of polar bears who have adapted to eating on the
    ice and ice holes and not on the land.
    Death of seal population without ice protection.
    War with Greenland over Arctic claims, not to mention Norway,
    U.S. segments of the polar pie.

  2. Scott Slotterbeck says:

    My final thoughts…

    A. Liberals are:

    1. Sad

    2. Pathetic

    B. The Republican party is the party of adults; the democrat party, the party of children.

    C. Thanks to the kerry supporter who wrote with a ‘magic marker’ on my car, ‘F**k Bush’. You will be happy to know the ink will not come off.

    You will not be happy to know that I don’t want to remove it, since it speaks volumes about the (yes), sad and pathetic nature of democrats, not to mention childishness and disrespect for others who happen to disagree with them. Typical.

    Why the media never reports this type of behavior is that everyone, the media, the Republicans and the democrats all expect more from the Republicans. We are the adult party.

    That’s just the way it is. Sorry.

  3. K B says:

    “A secret report, suppressed by US defence chiefs and obtained by The Observer, warns that major European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020. ”

    Sometimes less is more, so let me borrow a line from Mike Voice:


  4. meetsy says:

    Uhhh….so the whole country is made up of TWO types of people….either liberal or right? Is that your whole thought process?
    Rather shallow, don’t you think.
    The reality is 49%-ish of the country couldn’t agree with the president enough to vote for him. Not all of those are “liberals”, but what other choice was there? So, 49% of the country are childish and immature?
    You don’t think that by calling THEM names you look more “adult”?
    Grow up, Scottie.

  5. Mike Voice says:




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