Intel puts brakes on fast chip – OCT 21, 2004

HIGH speed is not necessarily all that counts. What’s demanded at the end of the day is performance.

In the latest change to its product lineup, Intel has cancelled plans to release a 4GHz computer microprocessor.

Instead, it will rely on factors other than a faster clock speed to improve the performance of its chips.

The world’s largest semiconductor company had originally said it would release the improved Pentium 4 by the end of this year after touting its plan for months. Then in July, it had pushed back the release date to early next year.

  1. K B says:

    I’m not an industry insider, but I always think that manufacturers put off improvements for as long as they can while making money on old technology. Look how long the crappy Celeron chips have been around, and they’re *still* showing up in new systems. Does it not make sense to convince consumers to buy chips which are outdated even upon the date of purchase?

    True, I incline to conspiracy theories almost as much as J.D.– though no one could equal him….


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