The religious Right taking over the country? If you like being creeped out, read this.

“We need to find ways to win the war” Karl Rove, President Bush’s political director told a gathering of the Family Research Council in March, 2002. The Family Research Council is one of the most powerful lobbying organizations of the Religious Right today. Rove wasn’t talking about the war on terrorism. He was talking about the war on secular society.

Best-selling author, Tim LaHaye co-authored Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millennium, published in 2000. The best-selling book issues a call to arms for evangelical Christians to battle against secular humanism. Mind Siege declares that secular humanism is a “religion,” and issues marching orders to evangelical Christians to gear up for an all-out battle to root secular humanists out of public life; their bottom line is that “No humanist is fit to hold office.”

  1. GaryM says:

    Having been raised in church (the same “Assemblies of God” Evangelical Christian sect as John Ashcroft), I remember the good old days when we often prayed in a generic way for God to give “our leaders” wisdom. Now they seem to be getting very specific about exactly who those leaders should be. If they spent more time reading their Bibles, they’d discover that the founder and central figure of Christianity was one of the greatest pacifists who ever lived. Ironic, ain’t it?

  2. Thomas says:

    This has nothing to do with someone’s religion in particular. This has to do with a group of people seeking to rock one of the foundations of the Founding Father’s principals: that religion should be something private to the individual and not be imposed by the government (either directly or indirectly). That, by definition, means that the government must be secular. That does not mean that the people that work in government cannot be religious; it simply means that official government action and appearance must not show preference towards any religion or sect. Seeking to prevent those who have differing spiritual points of view from getting elected is a clear violation of those principals. In this case, the Left’s vilification of the Christian right on this subject is entirely justified.

  3. Ed Campbell says:

    Fortunately, for all of us, it ain’t just my friends on the Left who “vilify” the Christian Right. That bag includes just about everyone who’s in favor of democracy, scientific thought and reason — and maybe even just maintaining a continuum of social progress.

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