The Equivocal Ramblings of Kevin Francis � On MovableType

FYI Post

Another reason I’m using Word Press. When I tell people that this blog takes a few minutes to post or change things and it’s not killing my day, few believe me. It’s true I tell you. I doubt that I’d be blogging otherwise. Personal publishing has to be quick and easy. That said, my site design needs work and I’m reading the CSS/PHP and MySQL books. So how much time is saved when that is taken into account is questionable. But at least I’ll learn something.

  1. That said, my site design needs work and I’m reading the CSS/PHP and MySQL books. is a great resource for getting answers on these things.

  2. Believe me, in the long run you’ll save time. I started out using software that also built static pages (Greymatter) and the rebuild times killed me once I got more than a couple of hundred posts in the system. It killed my readers too, on the posts that got a lot of comments. I switched over to a PHP/MySQL-based system and never looked back. Once you learn what you need to know of PHP, MySQL, and CSS (which you would need with MT anyway), and get the site how you want it, you’ll come out far ahead.

  3. K B says:

    “That said, my site design needs work”

    Well, since *you* brought it up, I liked the old “Dvorak Uncensored” heading better.
    Just another opinion you didn’t ask for to stick in your craw. 🙂


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