
(HealthDayNews) — People who take vitamin and antioxidant supplements in the hope they’re reducing their risk of gastrointestinal cancer are more likely to die of the disease than those who don’t take the supplements, a new study finds.

The research, which reviewed the results of 14 major trials with more than 170,000 participants, found a small but statistically significant increase in gastrointestinal cancer deaths associated with supplements containing beta carotene and vitamins A, C and E.

Four of the trials showed a possible reduction of risk associated with selenium supplements, the report said.

related link

Can You Overdose on Vitamins?

Popping a vitamin pill seems like an easy cure-all. But this once-a-day health ritual might actually be the cause of what ails you.

Experts warn toxic doses of four common nutrients — iron and vitamins A, D and B6 — can be easily consumed through careless use of everyday vitamin pills.

Have a nice day!

  1. K B says:

    “Have a nice day!”

    I always ask people to remember one thing: Doctors don’t make money unless you get sick. Can it be any surprise that they want to convince you to stop taking your vitamins?
    I’m always and only amused to see what the American Cancer Society thinks people should do. Not surprisingly, this article mentions an absolute blanket policy: “Neither the American Cancer Society nor the National Cancer Institute (NCI) recommend vitamin supplements for cancer prevention.” Of course not; cancer is their cash cow. Who would take advice from people whose livelihoods depend upon the perpetuation of disease?
    Here’s a typical example of the hypocrisy: “A U.S. task force recently reported there is ‘insufficient evidence’ that supplements have any preventive effect.” Yet the article also says of THIS study that it ‘is a work in progress and does not offer convincing proof of hazard.'”
    So instead of admitting that doctors are basically clueless on the question of supplements, let’s scare consumers by playing up the risks of taking vitamins and playing down the benefits. That’ll keep the coffers flowing.

  2. Anonymously says:


    You have a choice: either post my exceptionally witty “Vita-man” joke (i.e. “Nobody can take Vita-man!”), or correct the spelling of the subject line. You can’t dump it and not fix the spelling!


  3. Hair says:

    lol, by the way – what I always wanted to know is if Donald Trump is using real gold to colour his hair?


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